Just In
for True Love

5/2/2013 c5 Snowball A.K.A. WinterWolf
hey love where you are going with this can't wait to find out what happens next!
12/29/2012 c5 Guest
Just came across this story. Please continue it. Add more depth to the characters.
9/25/2011 c5 3bluevamp
KEEP GOING! It's really good and I want to know what Adam does when Lacey enters the door!
8/30/2011 c5 4kittycatvamp
awesomeness update soon!
8/30/2011 c4 kittycatvamp
bad ben and awwwwwwwwwwww
8/30/2011 c3 kittycatvamp
8/30/2011 c2 kittycatvamp
hahaha go lacey!
8/30/2011 c1 kittycatvamp
awwwww go samuel!
8/12/2011 c5 3AnjaliKayy
I lovoe this!

please please please keep writeing and dont stop!
7/6/2011 c5 13Miss.Farmgirl
LOL your story is great i love it! you have to keep writing!

kristine m
6/17/2011 c5 melissa drum
Omg i love this so far ur doing a great job
6/15/2011 c5 ZuliaGirl
No funny business indeed. ^_^ love this. I just hope you would update more often. Oh wells. Still love ya!

~ julz. 3
6/15/2011 c5 2runawaycherry93
great chapter. sam and lacey are so cute together
6/13/2011 c5 Jennyjenn78
Even more awesome great job can't wait to hear about her Dad's reaction!
6/12/2011 c4 Jennyjenn78
Still liking the story though not liking the shortness of the chapter:(. Keep enduring and update soon. Your pulling me through the dry spell of not having any Mercy or Anna! :)
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