Just In
for Premature Love

8/31/2024 c34 twiclare
Thank you for sharing such a personal and difficult experience with us. I wish you and your family all the best for the future.
8/19/2024 c34 Guest
You didn’t let anyone down!
God bless you and your struggle.
Love to you and your family.
7/13/2024 c34 Grace46
You shared such a touching story, I'm sorry about your little miracle but continue being strong momie.
7/9/2024 c34 1JayNahNah
Good luck. I know it’s been awhile but I just found it. Sending hugs
7/1/2024 c34 Sdawn07
Thank you for this story my two oldest nephews are both preemies they are both in their 20s now but one of them had a lot go wrong he has cp they both do but his is worse he can’t walk he also was born very early and we had to learn the heart monitor and breathing technique after he was home this story is perfectly not perfect I’m sure you know what I mean prefect story but not prefect life I hope you don’t listen to others that have not been there I also am autistic I’m mild though but I understand it’s very difficult to work being around people is hard for me to my best wishes to you and your family….
4/25/2024 c34 bella723
I’m so sorry you are going through this I hope the Lord will give you strength and comfort the best of luck to you and your family
3/18/2024 c33 1Swanderful
loved this story. thank you so much for sharing
12/2/2023 c34 nlwjws100052
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story. It touched me. My heartfelt sympathy to you for any and all negative mean ignorant uncaring individuals who have no idea of your pain and struggles. I gave birth to a 5 week premature daughter. My experience was no where near as scary as your but it was heartbreaking to have my daughter wisked off to another hospital shortly after I delivered her. I was not able to see her everyday because of the distance between where I lived and where she was. My experience was only 12 days long but she developed tachycardia and was put on digoxin for 18 months. Scared me having to check her heartrate and give her the medication.
I commend your story and wish there was more but understand your inability to expand.
8/13/2023 c34 6Payton79
Thank you so much for sharing this at times heartbreaking story. I'm so sorry that it didn't have a happy ending in your case. And I totally understand why you feel incapable of writing the sequel you intended to write. Maybe it's best to leave us the way you did (without the teaser, or course) so at least we can imagine an HEA for Bella, Edward, Anthony and Elizabeth.
8/4/2023 c34 1divyvicki
I’m so sorry that your outcome was so bad. Thanks for telling your story though.
8/4/2023 c31 divyvicki
Love that you added this to the story!
8/4/2023 c30 divyvicki
Glad your husband took things in his own hands. i detest people who think the rules apply to everyone but them.
8/1/2023 c34 PreciousJuls
I can't or I can believe people gave you shit about your story. I'm sorry that people suck sometimes.

Thank you for sharing a small but important part of your life. I hope that in the end some how some way your child will get their happy ending. I hope that you are doing well also. I saw in some of your A/N you have been in the hospital.
Best of Luck.
God Bless
8/1/2023 c33 PreciousJuls
I chapter left :(. I hope it has some time jumps I really want to know how the kids/your kids are. I know this is a story I feel vested into it and their wellbeing.
8/1/2023 c32 PreciousJuls
Yay! He finally gets to go home! I remember that feeling of leaving the hospital without my baby. I went home and went in to shock. I was shivering and couldn't stop. He stayed 10 extra days too long. I remember thinking why me, no mother should leave a hospital without their baby. I can't imagine 72 days.
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