1/7/2021 c1 Guest
well its good
well its good
12/26/2015 c5 Guest
Very nice
Very nice
12/26/2015 c4 Guest
LOL! Vader on ParentChat. HARRY POTTER!
LOL! Vader on ParentChat. HARRY POTTER!
12/26/2015 c1 Guest
LOL! Dee Arr as is Dr. as is DOCTOR! And I totally understand the new motto!
LOL! Dee Arr as is Dr. as is DOCTOR! And I totally understand the new motto!
6/8/2015 c7 Guest
I know its been two years but come on PLEASE CONTINUE I want to see how palpatine is added in this hell probably try to kill leia or force or try to force vader to only leading to palpatines death.
I know its been two years but come on PLEASE CONTINUE I want to see how palpatine is added in this hell probably try to kill leia or force or try to force vader to only leading to palpatines death.
6/8/2015 c1 Guest
that's not how genetic tests work but this is advanced technology
that's not how genetic tests work but this is advanced technology
12/29/2012 c6 Rockensrcb
when are you going to write the next one!?
"when bordom strikes you get creative"- Rockensrcb
when are you going to write the next one!?
"when bordom strikes you get creative"- Rockensrcb
12/16/2012 c1 rockensrcb
dee arr - Dr. really good so far!
dee arr - Dr. really good so far!
11/21/2012 c6 Kingsdaughter613
Princess613 We need to update... Six chapters is two less than needed to complete this arc... And we need to introduce some more people!
Princess613 We need to update... Six chapters is two less than needed to complete this arc... And we need to introduce some more people!