Just In
for Somewhere in the Middle

2/17/2011 c2 ILDV
2/16/2011 c4 4Ink17
Brilliant, brilliant work! I love it! I actually laughed out loud several times while reading this, keep up the great work!
12/25/2010 c3 2Raelover
YAY! you wrote more! xD :
12/23/2010 c3 101Jedi Master Misty Sman-Esay

This chapter is so funny without being stupid.
12/23/2010 c1 ILDV
12/22/2010 c3 4Scfilover
Vader and Galen are going to learning a lot lol.
12/22/2010 c3 badkidoh
it was alright but i may need chocolate i guess.
12/22/2010 c3 StarRose85
:-) lol More please
11/29/2010 c2 badkidoh
it's very amusing so far so update.
11/12/2010 c2 14Ashleyder1
This was fun! So does JLBrew have to update his Star Wars story or just update in general?
11/7/2010 c2 StarRose85
This Is Laugh out loud Funny Please continue .
11/7/2010 c2 2Raelover
More..? Pwease? :[
11/6/2010 c2 666arashi wolf princess
*chuckles* Even at this age Leia is a stubborn little thing which is so cute. Oh boy Vader is going to be loving this.
11/6/2010 c1 Lady Nocturne
This is funny. Keep it up.
11/3/2010 c1 arashi wolf princess
This is cute. Oh that's a way to find out.
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