Just In
for Downtime, Atlantis Style: Sunbathing

10/4/2015 c3 kankusan
Yes you will, Ronon. Yes you will. ;)

Awesome post! Thanks!
10/4/2015 c2 kankusan
LOL, need I say how much I enjoyed him being so uncomfortable here? ;) Awesome!
10/4/2015 c1 kankusan

That is all. :)
8/12/2014 c3 Guest
Ronon and Jennifer the perfect pair.
3/27/2011 c3 72Blurring Fandoms
Yayayayayayayayayay! Sorry, did i get overly excited again? Good job well done!
2/9/2011 c3 Motherduk
As always another great story you have written. I really love the Ronan/Jennifer pairing and look forward to reading more stories from you. Thankyou. GJ - South Australia
2/1/2011 c3 61ShaViva
Loved your description of that 'approaching the end of the first date' hesitation - it was great how they were both awkward and unsure of the other but as soon as Ronon got just a hint that Jennifer was reacting to him he gets much more comfortable. And yay for him taking the initiative at the end - he doesn't strike me as the type to hang around once he knows what he wants. Well done.
1/30/2011 c3 15daisyscrapper
Great add! Glad to know he enjoyed the sunbathing ;)
1/30/2011 c3 58ladygris
Oh, really enjoyed this one! Especially how he didn't give her a chance to overthink things. Go Ronon!
1/30/2011 c3 131LMXB
Loved the contrast between Ronon and Jennifer in this one...and then the kiss. Reading this was a great way to start a Monday.
1/30/2011 c3 Luvliacd
Yes oh yes that helped a lot. Downtime with Jennifer should be very enjoyable for him. Did you maybe want to show us just how enjoyable it is? Fabulous addition to your drabbles.
1/30/2011 c3 22hifield
Okay... that just leaves the door open for yet another chapter for our two love birds. Three hundred words or three thousand ... I'm there if it stars these two so I'll be waiting patiently for your next offering.

Great story - Want more!
1/30/2011 c3 4SapphireJade
How cute! sweet story! I love how Ronon caught Jennifer off guard with the kiss! :D
1/30/2011 c3 6Shadows-of-Realm
Ha! That was excellent. I loved how Ronon was confused but not as confused as Jenn.
1/30/2011 c2 Luvliacd
Is there going to be another part added? Maybe more than a drabble?
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