Just In
for Greater Than, Lesser Be

12/11/2019 c1 majere4
Remus twitched. Despite not growing up under James and Sirius's rather watchful and influential eyes, Harry Potter had strangely, as a young man, managed to turn out exactly how Sirius and James would've wanted him to. Remus was utterly terrified.
Absofrigginlutely hilarious!

I have to admit that I'm a bit confused as to where this is going. But it definitely has my attention!
9/29/2019 c5 11Codename-SN
Honestly, I'm ticked at these people comparing remus and Harry with the likes of dumbles. They gave him a CHILDHOOD, Karen, in case you can't read and freedom and not having to worry about dumbles manipulations. Yes, they knew it was NOT fine but as much as this is magical world all the problems are not solved with a swoosh of a wand and if they went unprepared and without a safety net it would've been worse.

The only thing I find kind of upsetting was not freeing sirius earlier, cause he did not want to shake up timeline irrepairably before they dealt with the main threat(s) even tho i get WHY he did that and meddling with time and space is always a tricky business unless dealing with time and space is your actual job description, and even then it's a bit of a stretch.

This is really an ingenious time-travel fic tho and I do very much like it.

P. S. Gosh I hope the people from his time get what's coming for them
6/21/2019 c5 Guest
6/13/2019 c5 gginsc
YES! Got the bitch! Get Molly, too!
I love this story and will be checking you bio for more.
5/23/2019 c5 edenson65
This was freaking GREAT!

Wonderful story, very well told.

You kept me guessing till the end.

Thanks you for sharing.
4/28/2019 c5 Guest
Can I say that I would *love* to see how Harry takes care of business now that he's back to his "loving" family? I'd love to see how he dealt with all of them, maybe see him getting all the information out of Molly, Ginny, Snape and Albus if they're alive, then erasing their memories completely before figuring out how to go back into his own timeline there and wreaking havoc on all their asses then living his own life out the way he wanted to - with Hermione.
4/27/2019 c2 Guest
Regardless of his reasonings and excuses, in this timeline HarrySr is just as culpable for leaving HarryJr abandoned to the Dursley Prison as Albus is.

Yeah, REMUS, you've known HarryJr was living in a shit situation at least since HarrySr popped up and you haven't done shit for HarryJr either. So...what's YOUR excuse?

The lack of romance...while not at all a deal-breaker (obvs esp. given how many times I've reread this, lol) is a bit sad. I feel badly for HarrySr in that he never met anyone...he needs a current loveof-his-life esp. given how things went with GinGin, and I love thinking that HarryJr will get with Hermione...and maybe Remus finding himself someone to snuggle with on a permanent basis...and Severus, too...and Sirius...ok, ok, I'm a romantic at heart...
4/27/2019 c1 Guest
It always, always, always bugs me how HarrySr just lets HarryJr and Sirius rot for all those years when he could have done so much more - so much sooner! - for the both of them. It's like he couldn't care less for either of them.
4/17/2019 c4 suziq968
I adore this story! It's just beyond great that he gets to do the Houdini and then come back and do the Potter! I don't want to be more specific in case someone's reading reviews before the story but I just had to tell you that this is most definitely the most satisfying HP time travel story EVER.
4/17/2019 c5 suziq968
I adore this story! It's just beyond great that he gets to do the Houdini and then come back and do the Potter! I don't want to be more specific in case someone's reading reviews before the story but I just had to tell you that this is most definitely the most satisfying HP time.e travel story EVER.
3/30/2019 c4 7H Bregalad
(change smells - spells)
3/30/2019 c5 H Bregalad
Interesting vision, Very impressively crafted.
3/27/2019 c1 missgsmith51
"Remus twitched. Despite not growing up under James and Sirius's rather watchful and influential eyes, Harry Potter had strangely, as a young man, managed to turn out exactly how Sirius and James would've wanted him to. Remus was utterly terrified." ROTFLOL! Why would Remus be terrified? Was he terrified of James and Sirius?

I like these new OCs.
2/27/2019 c5 19Axeliana
une suite ? que se pass t il à son retour ?
2/26/2019 c5 pianomouse
I am amazed at this story. I had a fantastic time reading. The ending was wonderful and I am just in love with this. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
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