Just In
for Greater Than, Lesser Be

2/15/2019 c5 Heart
Interesting. Aw Remmie. HONEY, I'M HOOOOOME~! ;/. *screen fades to black* dundundundun
2/15/2019 c4 Heart
Oh I really hope baka Houdini lives. Oooooooh
2/15/2019 c3 Heart
2/15/2019 c2 Heart
Cool. Really Older Harry? *hugs* Yes slyyyy. Bit odd about the no Slytherin thing. Was it because he didn't want to be anymore "great"?
2/15/2019 c1 Heart
Oh I want him to CRUSH the traitors! \(-_-)/. How DARE they
1/2/2019 c5 csheila
Chilling end.

Great job.
1/2/2019 c4 csheila

Nice twists. Exciting despite telling the same story. Waiting to see what happens with older Harry.

Well written. Loved Remus's relationships with both Harry's. Sorry Dumbledore is still alive

Really good job
1/2/2019 c1 csheila
Love the originality, premise, and writing.

Glad to have found it
12/23/2018 c5 Romily
Still dont get that spellwork even with the explanations you added :)
Didn‘t make me not enjoy the story, i had fun reading it. Thanks for sharing
12/23/2018 c1 Romily
I like it but there is one thing that bothers me...
If harry is thrown back in time into another universe, i assume that is the case since Ginny‘s is still existing and young Harry is in the new universe too, how does she know Harry was thrown back before and by whom and for what reason? If the universes where it happened just go on she could never know that. If the new universe was a consequence of Harry‘s doing and usually the old one was reset ican‘t imagine her knowing about former resets. If the caster remembered he/she would make own changes and not follow blindly Dumbledore.
12/8/2018 c5 Guest
I've said it before and I'll say it again: this is such a great story! I'd love to read more of Harry's he deals with Ginny and Molly and Albus, etc., what he does to free Hermione, and naturally I'd loved to have read this Harry's romance with Hermione after he frees her, etc., but in the end, I'm just thrilled you wrote this story. Thank you!
12/8/2018 c4 Guest
I really wish OlderHarry gave more damns about Sirius. It's like the people in his life really don't matter all that much to him. I know that logically that isn't the case, yet he still allows everyone to suffer needlessly (Sirius in Az then living rough, Harry being left at the Dursley's for far too long after OlderHarry arrived in the timeline, having Harry still be a part of the Twi/QuatreWizard bullshit, still having him tortured at the gravesite, etc), so...? Very confusing.
12/8/2018 c1 Guest
I'm on a reread because, despite my upcoming bitching, I do love this story - it's extremely well-written, nicely paced, nicely plotted, etc., but (here comes the whine) it always seems to me that Harry cares surprisingly little for his Mini-Me. I guess I can understand, vaguely, leaving Sirius to continue rotting in Az, maybe...ok, not really, not if he actually "loves" him or anything, but leaving YoungHarry to keep suffering with Petty and Verny? Really? Issues with himself much? Dawg shouldn't BE that way if he has any sort of self-respect at all.

And I still don't understand why he didn't withdraw more money during his first visit to the bank the withdraw more later on but I do like that he isn't SooperDooperMegaRich in the beginning of this story (unlike how he's presented in far too many).

Ok, enough novel'ling...ONWARD!
11/29/2018 c5 1Richard Lovelace
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. That was sooooo coooool. I benched through this fic and just wow this was great.
11/25/2018 c5 3Yozora Haru
This is a great story
Though the ending left me speechless*sweatdrop*
Well,I guess all that means well,ends well,is the saying?*chuckles*
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