Just In
for It's a Complecated Story

12/5/2010 c5 ForeverNight101
Twilight Forever222,

I lu it!

Please write more!

12/5/2010 c1 1EdwardBellaRenesmeCullen
What the heck is your problem is not Edward and Bella story why did you put this story in Bella/Edward. You should put this story in Nessie or Renesmee. Please move this out of Bella/Edward.
12/5/2010 c1 4blood6theif
Just a heads up... the summary sucked so bad that I didn't bother to read this. Tuff? 'Tough' isn't all that hard to spell, hun... and your grammar made me cry.
11/27/2010 c4 Skye S. Angel
I really liked it! This story is very good so far. I can't wait for more. i think it would add a little bit of spice if Nessie kept having flashbacks of Alec or her life with the Volturi. Just an idea. so...ya :)
10/16/2010 c2 13catchmeinwonderland
I really liked it and I can't wait to read more
10/15/2010 c2 9Bellaangel383
i love it!

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