Just In
for Wanna Be Where You Are

4/11/2003 c1 34tarry rash wanton
it's so kawaii! perfect lyrics too, if you don't mind my saying so! usually i read SenKosh as a side story otherwise I don't review them anymore but this really did get my attention!
11/23/2002 c1 4sLL
Lol... another sweet SenKosh! ^^

Goo... I'm a sucker for that pairing!

Go go gurl! Write more! ^^

8/31/2002 c1 21Lanie M
The lyrics of the song are so sweet ^_^

All your fics are sweet ne ^.~

I don't really believe in SenKosh.. but it was still a good fic ^_~
7/22/2002 c1 kiki
a little sad but cute!
5/24/2002 c1 70shi-chan
nice! cute! and sweeeeet! write more senkosh ficcies! write more! more! more! hee hee - i love senkosh - don't u think they're cute 2gether? hee hee very nice.
4/13/2002 c1 Reika
4/2/2002 c1 Faith
this is really nice. i can really imagine this scene playing out - with kosh being defensive and all and our dear sendoh trying his best to cheer him up...
3/20/2002 c1 11kimi-chan1
hi! i just want to say that i love your fic. it's so sweet and i'm a sucker for that kind of thing. i also love the pairing senkosh. also, i wanna say arigatou gozaimasu for reviewing my fic! *beams*
3/7/2002 c1 7oriquey
Sugoi!Sugoi!A wonderful story!Maybe you could do a chapterized version on this with Sendoh and Koshino dealing with the society.

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