Just In
for Family Reunion

11/13/2010 c24 2butterfly here i come
hey what are you going to do with the three girls and kirara? just one more qusetion what is the love live of them going to turn out to be are threy going to more connected with the tasio clan they are now if you catch my drift.
11/13/2010 c24 3ILoveInuyasha4Eva
this will be hilarious to see how it goess...and i cant believe shiroken he took the lecher waysss -sighh- update soon!
11/13/2010 c24 blackdame
I wonder if Kiara has any of Kagome's friends in mind for Shiro? hmmmm!
11/12/2010 c24 Taraah36
Ooooo boy a Sesshomaru look alike but a Miroku act about double whammy trouble LOL!

I'm glad you finally update and I LOVE the flow of this chapter! I believe you succeeded in your plan!

I'm glad the girls took the news well I knew they would..I mean they ARE Kagome's friends LOL! Remember they used to imagine crazy things when she would tell her stories LOL!

Update soon I want to know what happens next!
11/12/2010 c24 6xxdarienchibaloverxx
sesshoumaru is scary lol. ewww poison drool XD etsuo really does sound cute. and i think it will prove to be amusing lol. love the chapter! can't wait for the next one!
11/12/2010 c10 6Mrs. Niall James Horan
Good story so far
11/12/2010 c24 6Esha Napoleon
11/11/2010 c23 3ILoveInuyasha4Eva
srry i havent replied but its also messed up my upadtess. school and softball plus my bosnian folklore and HOMEWORK killed me these long days and its still going on...SO FORGIVE ME! I LOVED THE CHAPTERS GLAD THE BABY IS HERE! SO HILARIOUS THAT KAGOME SAT INUYASHA THROUGH A FLOOR!I WISHED I COULD HAVE SEEN THE BRIDGE PART THOUGHH..UPDATE UPDATEE
11/8/2010 c23 6xxdarienchibaloverxx
XDDD ODing on cat nip! wow that is funny lol oh it's like beer or a calm relaxing thing lol. oh well ya i wouldn't take it if there are killer headaches XD love the chapter! can't wait for the next one!
11/8/2010 c23 2butterfly here i come
Hey could you slow Dow the reviews it took me three days to get to this point and I have no new stories because I haven't gotten done with my stories that I get on email.
11/8/2010 c23 blackdame
lol that is to funny!
11/8/2010 c23 7White Rose Fox
11/8/2010 c23 Puppylove7
Nice chapter. Lol, Kirara and her catnip. Anyways, keep up the good work and please update as soon as possible.
11/8/2010 c23 6Esha Napoleon
11/7/2010 c23 Taraah36
LMAO! I loved the whooole thing! I just ADORE Shippo in his child form I bet he's so cute! Please update soon I want to know how the "conversations" go. I know Kirara was expecting this to happen, however, I wasn't expecting the Cat Nip tea LMAO! I can see her now in that one episode Shippo recieves an Angry Challenge, when she smells the cat nip and falls to the ground LOL!

I would have thought that as an elder she'd be tolerant of it though lol. I guess not..hmm I wonder if she smokes it out of a pipe too? It seems that she and Arashi would do that together to relax *giggles* I wish I could send you the image in my mind.. you'd ROFL
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