9/14/2012 c1 Guest
YAYZ! skittles! :D
YAYZ! skittles! :D
11/27/2010 c1 1IceIceThriller
LOL! Ohmigawd! that was hilarious i would sooo be in the Kira haters group
LOL! Ohmigawd! that was hilarious i would sooo be in the Kira haters group
11/14/2010 c1 5Totally Lost It
Poor L. You forced him to wear a panda suit. Bad author! Go to the corner!
LOL. This is pretty funny, though.
Poor L. You forced him to wear a panda suit. Bad author! Go to the corner!
LOL. This is pretty funny, though.
10/25/2010 c1 27MostlyxShortxStories
Lol. "chasing imagay". Hmmm I guess raining skittles would be pretty normal in a crackfic. It really made me laugh :)
Lol. "chasing imagay". Hmmm I guess raining skittles would be pretty normal in a crackfic. It really made me laugh :)
10/25/2010 c1 Sab10067
I LOVE Light! So I'm one the people behind the Kira haters, trying (or not) to keep Light from... dieing. Then again I might be so distracted my the sight of L that... I might forget all about Light.
Sorry Light ^^.
Though I might stay, just to see him cry.
L is nice. He eats Froggy's cake and makes Froggy pay for it. While "examining" it. At least the cake wasn't that expensive. Light is even nicer though. He knows full well that L is going to eat it (like with every other imaginary person that bought that cake there). He even asks L to come. L probably ordered him to... Light probably doesn't feel too guilty. He tried to keep Foggy away from the cake. It's probably enough for Kira.
How did L eat the cake while in the panda suit anyway?
If only raining skittles were an everyday occurrence. Or if they actually came from rainbows.
Lol, there are a bunch of non organized thoughts that came to me. I don't feel like logging in. Also my keyboard sucks so there might be some letters missing.
I LOVE Light! So I'm one the people behind the Kira haters, trying (or not) to keep Light from... dieing. Then again I might be so distracted my the sight of L that... I might forget all about Light.
Sorry Light ^^.
Though I might stay, just to see him cry.
L is nice. He eats Froggy's cake and makes Froggy pay for it. While "examining" it. At least the cake wasn't that expensive. Light is even nicer though. He knows full well that L is going to eat it (like with every other imaginary person that bought that cake there). He even asks L to come. L probably ordered him to... Light probably doesn't feel too guilty. He tried to keep Foggy away from the cake. It's probably enough for Kira.
How did L eat the cake while in the panda suit anyway?
If only raining skittles were an everyday occurrence. Or if they actually came from rainbows.
Lol, there are a bunch of non organized thoughts that came to me. I don't feel like logging in. Also my keyboard sucks so there might be some letters missing.