Just In
for I'm a Ninja! What!

4/17/2011 c5 2Tobalerone
so far so funny! a little short though
3/30/2011 c5 1fancyyfox
this is a good story so far i hope you update soon.
3/22/2011 c4 7The Untamed Miharu
Akari is cool.

I got like this at my 13th birthday. *shudders at the memorie*

There was too much suger in the cake

Anyyyway: I liked it and am going to add this
3/16/2011 c5 16WhiteAngelAnime
She punched Tobi in the face? :O Madara must be pissed xD hehe. Keep up the good work :D I'd love to read more. It made my laugh just like the last chapters did ^.^
3/15/2011 c5 xx-BrittCullen-xx
This is an awesome story...update soon please :)
2/13/2011 c4 akatsuki fan
i love tobi( and akatsuki ) i'm looking forward for the next chapter^-^
11/8/2010 c4 7LatyfeSurLeSora
Write more!
11/6/2010 c4 1AngelicalNote
Even more interesting :D I can't wait to see what happens between the two of them. By that I mean Madara, I meant Tobi, and Akari

Love to read the next ones
11/6/2010 c3 AngelicalNote
Interesting, love the funny parts, made me laugh hysterically. Keep it up

Love to read more
11/6/2010 c2 AngelicalNote
O.O Tobi likes Akari because she's similar to him? *Smirks* Deidara doesn't like her already because she's like Tobi. Seems like Akari is like a female Tobi and Amaye is like a female Deidara.

I love to read more
11/6/2010 c1 AngelicalNote
I agree it's funny :)

Love to read more
11/3/2010 c4 16WhiteAngelAnime
ooooooh I seriously am looking forward to the next one. You make her so funny. I can't believe how addictive I am to this story. Keep it up Kitten-chan ^.^ Love to read and review more
11/3/2010 c3 WhiteAngelAnime
hahaha omg this is amazing. Funny again, gotta give you credit :D Keep it up, I want to read more
11/3/2010 c4 6JynxyChan
Well, Jynxy is waiting for your next update as always! Jynxy loves!

Hugs and waves!

10/28/2010 c3 JynxyChan
Jynxy loves you! Bwa ha ha ha ha! Tobis adorable, no? Jynxy loves and IS WAITING FOR YOUR NEXT UPDATE! Jynxy loves!

Hugs and waves!

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