Just In
for Something New

10/17/2012 c13 randomandupsidedown
Read it all. Enjoyable, but misleading. Never felt like a Bella/Edward story. If it was, Edward was in love with a girl fucking and loving some other guy (why? He was such an asshole). Anyway, pretty good writing skill.
12/5/2011 c1 4rose antiquus
Oi! JoJo! Get your butt into gear and start writing!

You help me I help you :')

Inspiration enough? :D :D :D
7/29/2011 c12 casslovesedwardcullen4life
wow. this story is REALLY good. I can't wait to read more and I really hope you update soon. I can't wait to read more.
7/17/2011 c12 Naomie
Love the story.

Realistic from a teenage girl point of view.

Bella and Jacob are unresolved and the fact that she fucked him after what he said and done...Edward should back-off.

You can do a lot of things with the story but don't make her a cheat. I don't know, do whatever, creativity rules.
5/22/2011 c11 taralynn09
I think they do need to distance themselves from Bella. She obviously doesnt mind hurting Edward, and is playing him in a wway. His family need to start sticking up for him
1/30/2011 c8 taralynn09
Loved it! I cant believe youre not getting more reviews, you deserve them! Dont let it stop you. Feel bad for both of the, hopefully she just gets over Jacob. He doesnt seem to care much anyways. Update soon please!
12/24/2010 c7 taralynn09
EPOV please! Hope Bella lets go of Jacob. Hes a jerk. Update soon please!
12/8/2010 c6 sissam93
poor bella. she did not deserve what jake said to her
12/7/2010 c6 taralynn09
Wow. I cant believe Bella did that. Im begging to wonder if she needs help. That was kind of crazy. Update soon please!
11/22/2010 c5 taralynn09
Really like it. Update soon please!
11/1/2010 c3 1Iluvbellasuzepotter
Its bloody AWESOME! Update update update! Cant wait!
10/28/2010 c2 2runawaycherry93
cliff hanger

cant wait for the updtae

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