2/21/2016 c1 Guest
9/5/2011 c1 Ejrade
Might as well comment on this, as I've neglected to for a long time now. D:
Psh. I really love this ;~; I wish I could see Shizuo's reaction though. I think that would've been awesome, but haha, I guess you left that up to the reader to imagine.
I really like the way you portrayed the characters. A lot of people are really OOC when writing about these two, but I think you did a great job. :3
Despite the fact that Shizuo was only in there for a few lines, I think it was a perfect meeting. ;m; Even if it made me sad that Izaya was dying. /3
Hmm. 3
Even if I wish that this had another chapter, I think it has great potential as a one-shot. |D Wonderful job over all. :3 Keep up the good work~ CB
Might as well comment on this, as I've neglected to for a long time now. D:
Psh. I really love this ;~; I wish I could see Shizuo's reaction though. I think that would've been awesome, but haha, I guess you left that up to the reader to imagine.
I really like the way you portrayed the characters. A lot of people are really OOC when writing about these two, but I think you did a great job. :3
Despite the fact that Shizuo was only in there for a few lines, I think it was a perfect meeting. ;m; Even if it made me sad that Izaya was dying. /3
Hmm. 3
Even if I wish that this had another chapter, I think it has great potential as a one-shot. |D Wonderful job over all. :3 Keep up the good work~ CB
5/16/2011 c1
That was really good! I think it has definite potential to be more than a one-shot. Good job!

That was really good! I think it has definite potential to be more than a one-shot. Good job!
10/28/2010 c1 Guest
Wow, nice. Very realistic and well written. Also, I totally called Izaya laughing as he sat dying.
I get it if you don't continue, but this was awesome and it would be great if you continued. :D
Wow, nice. Very realistic and well written. Also, I totally called Izaya laughing as he sat dying.
I get it if you don't continue, but this was awesome and it would be great if you continued. :D
10/28/2010 c1 Chi
Seriously..this is exactly what I'd been looking for when I came here. Please, please continue!
Seriously..this is exactly what I'd been looking for when I came here. Please, please continue!
10/28/2010 c1 imaginedreams22
So its up to us to decide what happens! :O Awwwww :( You did a great job in writing this! ^^ Nothing ever goes according to plan Izaya
So its up to us to decide what happens! :O Awwwww :( You did a great job in writing this! ^^ Nothing ever goes according to plan Izaya
10/28/2010 c1 CloserDistance
Love it. you should really consider about continuing it.
Love it. you should really consider about continuing it.
10/28/2010 c1
I. LOVE. THIS. It just about made me cry! This was a story I could really get into. I could feels Izaya's pain. It sounded so very realistic too, the process of dying. I always though it would go something like that (if you are shot), slow and painful. Beautifully written! I love the use of irony. It was great! bravo. But i do feel very sad that there is not more. I would love to see Shizzy-chans reaction. Would be great!
And I leave you with that lovely little thought in mind.
Love, A fellow Durarara fan,

I. LOVE. THIS. It just about made me cry! This was a story I could really get into. I could feels Izaya's pain. It sounded so very realistic too, the process of dying. I always though it would go something like that (if you are shot), slow and painful. Beautifully written! I love the use of irony. It was great! bravo. But i do feel very sad that there is not more. I would love to see Shizzy-chans reaction. Would be great!
And I leave you with that lovely little thought in mind.
Love, A fellow Durarara fan,