Just In
for Discern and Perceive

11/6/2015 c12 Maria-Reynne
What a pompous overstuffed peacock-wannabe that Yuna. ︿

Anyway, it was a great update! I look forward for the next chapter and see how it will all boil down. Plus, I hope to get to see how truly legendary Kira's overprotectiveness really is. ;)
6/4/2015 c11 57Rydia Asuka
Still not disappointing. :D I'm looking forward to when you get the time to continue! Little big bro Kira is adorable. And I'm loving Lacus. Those two are just so sweet.
6/2/2015 c11 Endymion Selene
Waiting for chapter 12 :D!
2/24/2015 c11 5foureyesfreak27
Love this story keep up the amazing work!
2/13/2015 c10 Guest
Very nice story! The characterization of each character is lovely and memorable :)
1/31/2015 c11 Guest
this story is well written, interesting, and makes you want to read more! cannot wait for the next chapter.
1/19/2015 c11 1mrs. zala
ahhahahaa. 'intimidating brother speech'...huh...
pfft. good job for this chapter! i am soooo waiting for the next chapter.

until next time,

mrs. zala
1/18/2015 c11 fts-peace
Hi, I really like this story XD
the last part is really funny, "The big brother speech". I wonder what Kira will say to Athrun haha..
1/15/2015 c11 13uttafly
I can't believe I'm just now finding this story. It's soo cute and funny. i love it. I think the rating change just makes the story harder to find. It won't show up on the front page when you update but its not too graphic though. Can't wait for the nexxt update.
1/15/2015 c11 1Claire Estheim
Yeeeey new chapter! Finally kira find out about them dating anti-climatically lol. I thought he will go berserk on athrun when he found athrun screwing his sister but he take it very calmly. I love when kira being overprotective, it's very endearing
Anyway nice chptr! Cant wait to see asucaga take the next step in their relationship XD
1/14/2015 c11 4HNNKN777
Thank you very much for the update! From time to time I tried opening fanfiction in hopes of an update from this fic, I honestly am totally hooked! I like how you place depths into each of the characters to make them sound genuine and realistic like how natural it is for Athrun and his gang, along with Miguel, to eat together and be chatty about things. Miguel here is very riveting, I like his interesting interaction with the gang and how well-acquainted he is with them.

I think there is more than meets the eyes when it comes to Cagalli's job, I wonder why Cagalli is so affected with it and why she's allowing it to affect her life including her love life in general.

I simply and without bias love Athrun here the most mainly because of his sweet, gentle, humble and stubborn character. It is very evident with how Athrun places too much concern for Cagalli and how he always want Cagalli to be by his side if possible; he is very stricken and downright ardently in-love with her.

Thank you very much for your amazingly well-written and very interesting story, I hope for a quick update and please don't keep us waiting :)

1/13/2015 c10 kiyuair
(am a super late reader here ;;)
Just LOVE this fic so much3 I love how you portrayed every character here, and yes! For Shiho too *-* Really hope you would continue on this story.
1/12/2015 c10 1mrs. zala
hahahhaaa.. i hope you are not wondering why i stop giving you a review after chapter 2 or 3.
i decide to read until your latest update. SURELY, i've got my answer.
they hook up. then, time is ticking.
i still waiting for athrun's background... you know. *grin*
i hope i can see your next update soon.
good luck!

until next time,

mrs. zala
1/12/2015 c2 mrs. zala
hmmm.. i wonder why cagalli feel that way, in the end...
well, yes, they just met. but...
something must have happened in the past. *thinking*
for her to feel this way...

until next time,

mrs. zala
1/12/2015 c1 mrs. zala
what's with the restraining order? hmm.. *grin*
moving on!

until next time,

mrs. zala
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