Just In
for Discern and Perceive

1/10/2015 c10 1Claire Estheim
Hii! I love this story! This story officially make you my favourite author of the month XD
The plot and interaction between the character is great. Although there are some grammartically-wrong sentence but i'm not the type to fuss about that so it's alright
I hope you will update soon, i can't wait for the next chapter XDXD
1/3/2015 c10 28tyrantsandcreampuffs
An update! So happy to see this after a while. As usual, it's a great chapter-and I can't wait for more. :)
1/2/2015 c10 GloriousCreation
Awesome story. I read up to the newest chapter in just a few hours. Cant wait for the next one. Keep up the great work!
12/31/2014 c10 4HNNKN777
Thank you very much for updating fast! The new rating doesn't chase me away, although I believe that this story would somehow be an M-rated fic due to the nature of the plot it somehow gives the story a sense of maturity or something. I'm really excited about Athrun and Cagalli's relationship so please don't keep us waiting :)
12/30/2014 c10 guestreview
I hope you take this as constructive:
The story was good but the progress is just too slow in my opinion. I mean, the story had already reached chapter 10, but seems like chapter 3 or 4... See u on the next chapter. Hppy. new year
12/30/2014 c10 8Previously-FTS
This is a really great chapter.
Well written (I really have nothing to say to that, you're just awesome)

Athrun and the characters are all on point. Love reading all the dialogues, as if the characters are all alive.

I'm going to wait for the next update XD
12/23/2014 c9 deleted account 09888876532487
Loved the chapter, and pleased to see an update.
12/20/2014 c9 oh la la
I don't mind any of rating changes.
Anyway, it's great reading this again and again
11/26/2014 c8 pchop
I wish you'd finish. This is a good fic! Love it but sad.
11/9/2014 c8 oh la la
Athrun is so charming!
More please!
8/25/2014 c8 deleted account 09888876532487
Love the story so far. It's just a great read.
8/18/2014 c8 Previously-FTS
8/9/2014 c8 hnnkn777
I do admire the character development in this story and I absolutely like how you portrayed Cagalli and Athrun. Each chapter is worth waiting for although I hope you won't keep us waiting for too long a time that we have to re-read, possibly, the whole chapter just to get ourselves re-acquainted again with the plot. Reading chapter 8 was exciting especially when Athrun and Cagalli are approaching the intimate part of their relationship. Excited with the next chap! But please don't pop my already inflated excitement by updating too long.
8/9/2014 c8 pansy25
I'm happy you updated! I love Cagalli and Athrun. I hope no one ruins it for them.
8/6/2014 c8 honeydew
God, I've been waiting for any updates! Thanks!
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