3/18/2024 c32 Lbot1979
I do hope that someday you come back to finish this story. It really does need an ending. So much build up. you know? I hope things are well in your life.
I do hope that someday you come back to finish this story. It really does need an ending. So much build up. you know? I hope things are well in your life.
4/10/2023 c32 lamelurker
Glad to see you came back! We're still anticipating the end of the story. :)
Glad to see you came back! We're still anticipating the end of the story. :)
7/19/2022 c32 Moltz
Telling Edward that the ruler of Hell confided in her seems to be exactly what the Devil wanted her to do. It has placed another decision on Edward's shoulders that has a 50/50 chance of him failing to protect his family.
Turning back time temporarily does nothing to prevent the intended outcome if predestination exists.
Telling Edward that the ruler of Hell confided in her seems to be exactly what the Devil wanted her to do. It has placed another decision on Edward's shoulders that has a 50/50 chance of him failing to protect his family.
Turning back time temporarily does nothing to prevent the intended outcome if predestination exists.
7/19/2022 c32 Adriu
Que bueno que continúes con la historia. Me gusta mucho
No recuerdo bien cuáles son los poderes de Edward.
Gracias por la historia.
Saludos de mi lindo Ecuador.
Que bueno que continúes con la historia. Me gusta mucho
No recuerdo bien cuáles son los poderes de Edward.
Gracias por la historia.
Saludos de mi lindo Ecuador.
7/16/2022 c32 Guest
Thank you for the update. Looking forward to your next update.
Thank you for the update. Looking forward to your next update.
7/17/2022 c32 mysticfighter111
Being forewarned could be essential to make the right choice when the time comes.
Being forewarned could be essential to make the right choice when the time comes.