Just In
for Sincerely, Sergeant Masen

10/29/2024 c50 1laura lou who
Re-reading this as we come into another election. Edwards speech is perfect right now.
8/29/2024 c50 miriama
wow loved your speech, so true, I love the rings true for all of us, great
7/9/2024 c49 Iersseltje
Thank you for this lovely story.
6/1/2024 c25 TwilightLv
I am already crying!
5/31/2024 c13 TwilightLv
I found myself tapping my foot too out of nervousness for Bella with every person walking through the terminal gates. I am loving this story so far!
4/25/2024 c24 MaryAliKent
In the woods? No way
4/24/2024 c23 MaryAliKent
How did we get to september? Im so lost. How is he there in september
4/24/2024 c18 MaryAliKent
The name changes really mess with my mind Lol did you do that on purpose?
4/24/2024 c11 MaryAliKent
This is the most confusing story
1/13/2024 c5 1hannahm2319
Genuine question, ive seen a couple wtiters refer to them as M’s instead of M&Ms, is M&Ms like a California thing and they call them M’s everywhere else in the world?
6/1/2023 c50 Babyface Carter
I just finished ready Sincerely, Sergeant Mason and I loved, loved, love it! I’m glad you tied up the mafia connections because I thought I fell asleep when reading the chapters when he came home and missed something

I especially loved Edward’s speech in the last chapter - great job!

Thank you for writing and sharing your story with us.
4/9/2023 c50 Toni Masen
Superb writing.
4/9/2023 c49 Toni Masen
An absolute cracking story! Loved it.
4/9/2023 c38 Toni Masen
I'm sobbing.
8/25/2022 c50 IzahMalfoyBlack
One of the best fanfics I've ever read in my life.
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