Just In
for Rani and Clyde Oneshots

11/18/2010 c2 ueifbpgyegbrf
so good I think this length is good but u need to have them writen quite often so u dont keep people waiting
11/15/2010 c2 35LostLyra
Aww, sweet, you should definately do one with Maria, and they should definately be longer! Maybe Rani and Maria disscussing boys? Anyway I'm off to go to sleep. Nice story to read before sleep! LL
11/14/2010 c2 Raf Raf
I looooooooooooooove it, it was excellent maybe u could make one of them longer I would love that more pls oh yeah! Your welcome! :) xoxo
11/14/2010 c2 60jokeperalta
Aww! CUTE!

I've been looking forward to this and you didn't disappoint! I like how they're sometimes vulnerable with each other, when they're not bantering :)

Can't wait for more! And I think you should have one with Maria, maybe set quite early in their relationship, where she's watching Rani and Clyde together and tells Clyde (or Rani) that they're meant for each other! But it's your story, of course, and you're doing a great job :)
11/14/2010 c2 1futurenb
Woo! This one was immense! :D Please keep writing because you're really good at these... :)

By the way, if you ever need any prompts, here I am :D
11/14/2010 c2 8xxxCattxxx
WOW another amazing chapter you have to keep writing and I like the whole 'Clyde got captured' thing they are the best type of SJA stories. And I loved how he 'grabbed a bus and there he was' lol that is really funny! Your really good at writing these things.

I think I will shut up because I could go on forever saying how good this was...

xxx :)

Remember keep writing! x
11/14/2010 c1 1futurenb
CLANI! :D You are doing the SJA community honour by writing this. Please, continue... xD
11/13/2010 c1 61AmyVS7
Woohoo more Clyde/Rani fics! :D

Great so far, i can't wait to read what else you have in store :)

11/13/2010 c1 8xxxCattxxx
OMG this is amazing another person who loves Clyde/Rani and thinks that there is not enough of them! I thought it was just me!

This is really good i can't wait for more!

Please, please, please write more of these and I will review every single one like this!

Keeping writing...

xx :P
11/13/2010 c1 60jokeperalta
Ooh, I like!

I have also recently fallen in love with these two-literally yesterday!

I love this little piece and I'm looking forward to more!
11/13/2010 c1 9LivingInMyDream
Loved it! So glad your going to do loads of Rani&Clyde fics! (: Update! x
11/13/2010 c1 Raf Raf
I'm loving this so far I can't wait for more pls inbox me when there's more to read thanks :)xoxo
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