1/27/2012 c29
Joss, I think I almost missed this one! AHH! The horror!
A Buffy who shows the sympathy she feels, and lets Spike in a little? A sign of the apocalypse for sure! And yet, believable. I like.
Also, soo adorable. :)

Joss, I think I almost missed this one! AHH! The horror!
A Buffy who shows the sympathy she feels, and lets Spike in a little? A sign of the apocalypse for sure! And yet, believable. I like.
Also, soo adorable. :)
1/27/2012 c30 Vera Snape-Evans
Haha, that certainly made things uncomfortable. After all the things Anya's seen in her lifetime, I don't think that Xander will ever be able to convince her that there's anything wrong with talking about sex so openly. Actually, I quite approve of her attitude :)
Haha, that certainly made things uncomfortable. After all the things Anya's seen in her lifetime, I don't think that Xander will ever be able to convince her that there's anything wrong with talking about sex so openly. Actually, I quite approve of her attitude :)
1/26/2012 c30
Don't get me wrong I always understood the reluctance to end Ben's life and the argument that went along with it. Killing an innocent for the greater good. I mean when would it end. But (in the show) Ben knew all along so not so innocent. And in the end he was a willing participant in Glory's plan.
But what the monks are proposing well it seems that Glory's host has to go. They are going to spend probably eternity dragging that Gateway thru dimensions, causing untold pain and suffering everywhere it goes. Thousands would suffer and die.
Buffy blaming herself for Riley is typical. She has a savior complex granted mostly deserved by her calling. But she keeps forgetting FREE WILL. Everyone has it, and you can't protect people from it. Riley made his choice, with full understanding of the risks. That does not lay the blame at Buffy's feet. But she will take it partly because of her calling but also I think because of the pressure her friends place on her to be a savior to them. They help sure but when it comes down to it they expect her to save the day no matter the cost to her. So everyone she can't save makes her feel like a failure.

Don't get me wrong I always understood the reluctance to end Ben's life and the argument that went along with it. Killing an innocent for the greater good. I mean when would it end. But (in the show) Ben knew all along so not so innocent. And in the end he was a willing participant in Glory's plan.
But what the monks are proposing well it seems that Glory's host has to go. They are going to spend probably eternity dragging that Gateway thru dimensions, causing untold pain and suffering everywhere it goes. Thousands would suffer and die.
Buffy blaming herself for Riley is typical. She has a savior complex granted mostly deserved by her calling. But she keeps forgetting FREE WILL. Everyone has it, and you can't protect people from it. Riley made his choice, with full understanding of the risks. That does not lay the blame at Buffy's feet. But she will take it partly because of her calling but also I think because of the pressure her friends place on her to be a savior to them. They help sure but when it comes down to it they expect her to save the day no matter the cost to her. So everyone she can't save makes her feel like a failure.
1/18/2012 c29 Schural
I can't describe how much I am in love with your story. The characterization of Buffy and Spike (and Giles!) is just perfect. I can see everything you write happen in the TV episodes. You are brilliant and I hope to be able to read the next chapter really soon!^^
I can't describe how much I am in love with your story. The characterization of Buffy and Spike (and Giles!) is just perfect. I can see everything you write happen in the TV episodes. You are brilliant and I hope to be able to read the next chapter really soon!^^
1/13/2012 c29 TrudyJames33
You write Spike and Buffy so wonderfully, and you dealt with the Riley dead thing very nicely. Looking forward to the next chapter.
You write Spike and Buffy so wonderfully, and you dealt with the Riley dead thing very nicely. Looking forward to the next chapter.
1/13/2012 c29
So Buffy is finally admitting that Spike feels more than what Giles and Angel said vamps could feel? More than bloodlust and hate. Love, affection, concern things she never thought he could do. The fact that he basically told her he loves her but is willing to be friends and wants to be friends, well hopefully that will allow Buffy to really see him.

So Buffy is finally admitting that Spike feels more than what Giles and Angel said vamps could feel? More than bloodlust and hate. Love, affection, concern things she never thought he could do. The fact that he basically told her he loves her but is willing to be friends and wants to be friends, well hopefully that will allow Buffy to really see him.
1/3/2012 c28
Great story so far. I confess Riley's death really took me by surprise.

Great story so far. I confess Riley's death really took me by surprise.
12/19/2011 c28 Schural
I really love this story! Buffy's struggle with her feelings toward Spike, their interaction and that little lovestory between Joyce and Giles...this story is definitely going to be added to favorites!^^
I really love this story! Buffy's struggle with her feelings toward Spike, their interaction and that little lovestory between Joyce and Giles...this story is definitely going to be added to favorites!^^
12/14/2011 c28
I knew she'd go get him. It's just what she'd do, you know? And maybe they can help each other out a little.
BTW, I'm wondering if Joyce is going to die this time around, what with her being healed and the thing with Giles. Something to think about I suppose...

I knew she'd go get him. It's just what she'd do, you know? And maybe they can help each other out a little.
BTW, I'm wondering if Joyce is going to die this time around, what with her being healed and the thing with Giles. Something to think about I suppose...