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12/14/2010 c6 JGK200
Love the story so far. Can't wait to see more Spuffy :)
12/6/2010 c5 14Stina Whatever
i likeed it when giles and willow searched through spike's crypt
12/6/2010 c5 46rebelxxwaltz
Well you know me- I'm all about Giles, so I loved the first part of this chapter. It was nice to see him regress into his geeky book-lovin' ways, if just for a minute or two. Really the whole scene with him and Willow was pretty amusing. :)

The scene with Buffy and Spike, on the other hand, I actually found somewhat angsty. It set off alarm bells; I felt sad for both of them because she seems to like his 'split' persona so much, but we all know he can't stay that way... can he? Plus, I kind of *like* the more bloody-minded aspects of Spike's personality. Not sure I would *want* him to keep his new cuddlier ways. Will Buffy come to the same conclusion? Of course, it would be okay if he kept a little bit of the niceness after getting 'reassembled'... from the looks of what Willow and Giles found the traits are already there to begin with.

Yikes, longest paragraph ever, that one! I'll stop babbling now and maybe you can get back to writing some more (I should too)! ;)
12/6/2010 c5 9Stevonnie-U
Aw, snuggly human Spike!
12/1/2010 c4 37DancingPhalangess
I don't actually read Buffy fics, I was just bored in my free period, but I'm glad I got bored because I'm enjoying this :)

It's well written, and very in character. I can picture everyone saying those lines and I've always thought Spike is the one Buffy can never quite forget, they work as a couple, althought it's so wrong...

Anyway, I also didn't spot any error, which is always good because fics full of bad gramma do my head in.

I'm curious as to what is going to happen next. Are you going to base this on the series at all or is it purely your own ideas?

Happy writing :)

11/30/2010 c4 9Stevonnie-U
I like this a lot, can't wait to read more.
11/30/2010 c4 14Stina Whatever
spike's victorian manners coming back?:)
11/30/2010 c4 2Razzika
Naw, poor blondie boy XD Lovin' it!
11/29/2010 c3 46rebelxxwaltz
Pretty good so far. You know me, I'm sure I've mentioned that I'm not the biggest fan of Spike/Buffy, but sometimes it's fun to read when well written. Plus, I'm running out of Buffy/Giles fics to read, so at least this is something new! :P

I think season 5 is a great place to set an AU. I commend you for your attempts to make Riley more like-able, although I'm not sure how well it's working for me. But hey- you've got me rooting for Buffy to get together with Spike, and that's quite an accomplishment!

I'm interested to see what you've come up with for Glory to be up to without having Dawn in the picture, and I definitely want to see what's going on with Spike. Definitely nice to know you've already got some more written. I'll be out here waiting for an update! (...waits)
11/26/2010 c3 WeAreToBlame
I've just found this story, really happy I did! It's great so far, it's a very interesting idea to have Spike split instead of Xander - can't wait to see what you do with it.

So far, so good - everyone's in character and I even don't hate Riley...yet...great job :)
11/23/2010 c3 14Stina Whatever
i really like this twist
11/23/2010 c3 shann71
ooohhhhh, I like where this story is going. Do we get William? How fun! Good job.
11/23/2010 c3 2Razzika
Interesting development here, nice. Very nice. :)
11/22/2010 c2 Razzika
It has some potential, I'd like to see more.
11/22/2010 c2 14Stina Whatever
can't help hut laugh at harmony
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