Just In
for Vice Versa

1/21/2013 c43 1PandalillyZK
No real need for a sequel, mainly because I can't see Spike turning human in this, so there isn't much to write except they lived happily until they died in battle. Since Buffy already accepts and loves Spike without his soul and acknowledges that he can love without it, there's no reason for him to use the talisman, especially since he'd make a better fighting partner for her as a vampire. Even Angel chose not to be human in the end, I can't believe Spike ever would want to. Just my thoughts on the matter, though it's nice of you to offer hope to the readers who seem to think Spike and Buffy need to be a 'normal' family.
1/21/2013 c43 6jeeperschrist
Great story! One of the best and first spuffy stories I ever read!
1/18/2013 c43 99Indigo-Night-Wisp
Aw, even Joyce and Giles get resolution! :)

I did skip a lot of the end. But I got the gist. ;)

Thanks for writing such an amazing story! I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter, and highly applaud your technique and style. Full marks and many happy smiles!

Hope to see you again soon!
1/17/2013 c43 spike'smate
BONZA (thats aussie slang for brilliant) story thank you
1/17/2013 c43 2Jeremy Shane
Super Chapter & More Please
1/17/2013 c43 Alottalove
An amazing fic, thankyou for the wonderful Spuffy Adventure Ride.
1/6/2013 c42 Kali
Loved it very amusing
1/1/2013 c2 Guest
ive always hated riley he just gets on my nerves i like buffy when she is with spike or angel but i cant decide between the two of them
12/30/2012 c42 Jane
Just read all 42 chapters, absolutely brilliant. Loved it, great from start to near finish.
12/30/2012 c42 craftywitchywoman
love! hoping for more!
11/27/2012 c42 99Indigo-Night-Wisp
Oh Spike. Goddesses all over just loooove you don't they?

I find it incredibly amusing that Spike hates Anne Rice. :) Just do.

'Nobody touches Spike, got it?'

Ah, spoken like a true Slayer. Posssessive li'l thing, ain't she?

And hooray for reasonable Xander!
11/27/2012 c41 Indigo-Night-Wisp
Everyone is so cool in this story... much better than meanie Giles, especially. :)

I love how Buffy and Spike are so messed up. Wow. I mean, that came out wrong. What I love is that no matter how messed up they are, they have this connection that makes them perfect for each other. They just... fit. :)

Nice, Ereshkigal. Nice. ;)
11/27/2012 c40 Indigo-Night-Wisp
I love this fic, I really do. I'm doing a lousy job of showing it, what with falling so far behind in reading it, but I assure you, I really do love it. I think the characterizations are great, the story is fun, and -considering how much it draws from canon, especially- quite original. :)

Giles is so awesome right now.

'It's just…I think I might be in love with Spike.'

I squeeed so hard when I read that. :)
11/17/2012 c42 25MaireAilbhe
Can I just say how happy I am to see Glory destroyed here rather than with that whole tower commotion? :)
11/17/2012 c41 MaireAilbhe
Those moments with Spike before the spell was cast...priceless!
And I love the tension this spell has cast. I can't wait to see what is next!
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