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11/16/2012 c42 ebeth78
I waited to read the whole thing before posting a review, however, please let me just say W-O-W! This story was a true delight. I love that you explored the Riley/Buffy/Spike triangle in a different way. I always thought that Spike's relationship with Buffy should've been different. Spike's complexities were very different from Angel and I didn't think that because he lacked a soul, he was therefore incapable of love. It was truly my pleasure to read this and please don't stop writing! This was my first fanfic read and I absolutely love Buffy even though it is off the air so thanks also for inspiring me to potentially post some of my own writings.
11/14/2012 c42 Marandakay24
Great story so far! Can't wait to read more!
11/14/2012 c42 2Jeremy Shane
Good Chapter & More Please
11/9/2012 c42 Boolochka06
Very short! Too short! More and soon please!
11/8/2012 c42 spike'smate
yay glorys dead ((((((((((happy dance)and all the coven helped too
11/8/2012 c42 82waddiwasiwitch
I'm sad this story is ending. That said I love where you taken us. Thanks for the wonderful read.
11/6/2012 c41 18JessAngelus
Wow...This was really good.
11/5/2012 c41 Brownie the Pirate
I'm really loving this so far!
11/2/2012 c41 20PeaceHeather
Eeee. You've done a great job making Ereshkigal a chilling presence, and now I'm all flippy about what is going to happen next - whether there will be a battle between Buffy/Ereshkigal and Ben/Glory and what will be left of either of them afterward. Nicely done!

Update quick or I may have to start taking medication. :)
11/2/2012 c40 PeaceHeather
Ooh, a pair of wonderful conversations that needed to happen. Wonderful! And ironic, considering how my evening has gone, but that's neither her nor there. :)
11/2/2012 c39 PeaceHeather
Finally getting caught up on this story. Disappointed that Spike can't be the host, but I'm hoping he'll still be able to support Buffy. Also, yay for mature Xander.
11/1/2012 c41 5whiters
Loved the ud! I like the Ereshkigal character and what a strong voice she has. Can't wait for more!
11/1/2012 c41 spike'smate
really exciting chappie i eagerly await more
11/1/2012 c41 2Jeremy Shane
Good Chapter & More Please
11/1/2012 c41 82waddiwasiwitch
Buffy's declaration to Spike was adorable here. I am dying to know what happens next.
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