10/26/2012 c40 Guest
Great ud! I liked the talk between Buffy and Giles. Can't wait for another ud!
Great ud! I liked the talk between Buffy and Giles. Can't wait for another ud!
10/25/2012 c39 Eli
As I said earlier, I like this story! :) Its great! Please, write more chapters. I am sure that I am not the only want who would appreciate that :)
As I said earlier, I like this story! :) Its great! Please, write more chapters. I am sure that I am not the only want who would appreciate that :)
10/27/2012 c9
This fic is...amazing! I'm in love, the tension, Buffy had the dream! Buffy had the dream. wow, brilliant

This fic is...amazing! I'm in love, the tension, Buffy had the dream! Buffy had the dream. wow, brilliant
10/25/2012 c1 Eli
After reading the first chapter I must say: nice start of a story, I am looking forward to next chapters :)
After reading the first chapter I must say: nice start of a story, I am looking forward to next chapters :)
10/26/2012 c40 spike'smate
willow just cant wait to get into the more powerful magic and tara's scared for her. and giles is ok with buffy and spike! will wonders never cease?!
willow just cant wait to get into the more powerful magic and tara's scared for her. and giles is ok with buffy and spike! will wonders never cease?!
10/23/2012 c39 Guest
I thought this was a "completed" fic when I started, then I got to chapter 39 and realized it wasn't done, and had a mild panic attack until I saw the last update was only a couple of weeks ago. Which is all a way of saying I am really enjoying this story, and will be looking forward to the next installment. Thanks for writing this!
I thought this was a "completed" fic when I started, then I got to chapter 39 and realized it wasn't done, and had a mild panic attack until I saw the last update was only a couple of weeks ago. Which is all a way of saying I am really enjoying this story, and will be looking forward to the next installment. Thanks for writing this!
10/22/2012 c39 Jedi SteelWolf
i have to say that i loved the new chapter a lot! well, right up till the last sentence - that was a bit tacky you have to admit. but otherwise i love how you make the characters your own and yet they still stay true to character. i am excited to see how they kill off Glory without killing ben, and i sincerely hope that Joyce and Giles get together. also, would there be any way for Willow to not become addicted to magic like she was in the show? i hated to see what that did to Tara and i just think there could be a better way to go about that, especially with the three English witches there. perhaps her magic could be temporarily drained because she pushes too far or something? well, i will quit asking for things and end by saying once again just how much i enjoy reading your story and i cannot wait for the next chapter!
i have to say that i loved the new chapter a lot! well, right up till the last sentence - that was a bit tacky you have to admit. but otherwise i love how you make the characters your own and yet they still stay true to character. i am excited to see how they kill off Glory without killing ben, and i sincerely hope that Joyce and Giles get together. also, would there be any way for Willow to not become addicted to magic like she was in the show? i hated to see what that did to Tara and i just think there could be a better way to go about that, especially with the three English witches there. perhaps her magic could be temporarily drained because she pushes too far or something? well, i will quit asking for things and end by saying once again just how much i enjoy reading your story and i cannot wait for the next chapter!
10/13/2012 c39
Your skills with Buffy-speak are truly marvelous, you know. Sounds just like Joss. :)
I love your Buffy. And your Spike. And Giles and Anya and Xander (which is odd, 'cause he really irks me sometimes.) I just love. Muchly.

Your skills with Buffy-speak are truly marvelous, you know. Sounds just like Joss. :)
I love your Buffy. And your Spike. And Giles and Anya and Xander (which is odd, 'cause he really irks me sometimes.) I just love. Muchly.
10/5/2012 c39
So happy for the ud! I liked meeting the wicca's. They have interesting personalities and I look forward to see more of their roles in this story. Can't wait for more!

So happy for the ud! I liked meeting the wicca's. They have interesting personalities and I look forward to see more of their roles in this story. Can't wait for more!
10/4/2012 c39 TrudyJames33
Just want to let you know that I am still loving your story. It is still my absolute favorite. You got the past few chapters out pretty fast, too! You're doing a wonderful job. The characters and the story seem so authentic to the show. Your storytelling is excellent. I can't wait for each update because the story has stayed consistently great and is perhaps even getting better. I like how you aren't just throwing Spike and Buffy into being with each other. The development of their feelings and possible relationship seems very natural and not at all forced or rushed. And it's not just them that makes it a great story. Everything about this story is just awesome. All of the characters, their dialogue, the story with Glory, everything. Thanks for such a great story.
Just want to let you know that I am still loving your story. It is still my absolute favorite. You got the past few chapters out pretty fast, too! You're doing a wonderful job. The characters and the story seem so authentic to the show. Your storytelling is excellent. I can't wait for each update because the story has stayed consistently great and is perhaps even getting better. I like how you aren't just throwing Spike and Buffy into being with each other. The development of their feelings and possible relationship seems very natural and not at all forced or rushed. And it's not just them that makes it a great story. Everything about this story is just awesome. All of the characters, their dialogue, the story with Glory, everything. Thanks for such a great story.
10/4/2012 c39
Ah I'm rather partial to Lydia. Spike enjoying the fawning and Buffy not liking it one bit. Nice that Xander has grown up here with his apology to Anya and something resembling one to Spike.

Ah I'm rather partial to Lydia. Spike enjoying the fawning and Buffy not liking it one bit. Nice that Xander has grown up here with his apology to Anya and something resembling one to Spike.