Just In
for Vice Versa

10/4/2012 c39 2Jeremy Shane
Super Chapter & More Please
9/28/2012 c38 57hannahncakes
N'aww. I just caught up with this story after, y'know, FOREVER of being away and ohhhh it's so so good! You amazing thing, you. Keep up the good work!
9/23/2012 c38 Guest
Well apparently, to my shame, I am even slower as a reader then you are as a writer with so much less reason, but having finally caught up with the new chapters, yay! lovely! keep em coming!
9/22/2012 c38 spike'smate
Buffy feeding spike!? thats love update soonest please
9/22/2012 c37 spike'smate
I LOVE what you've done with giles &joyce they deserve it
9/22/2012 c36 spike'smate
just found your story again and its bonza (aussie slang for really good)
9/20/2012 c38 24loverswalk89
Okay so I've stayed up for the best part of the night to read this. I just can't seem to stop! I love it! Please please update soon!
9/20/2012 c38 99Indigo-Night-Wisp
Is it weird that that was cute? I mean, he's drinking blood here. Hers, specifically. And yet that was just completely adorable. :)

Of course I'm sticking it! I love this story!
9/19/2012 c38 5whiters
I got to the end and I was like "Noooo, not the ending already!" I got so caught up in the story I wasn't even paying attention. Great ud! I like how Giles is slowly coming around. Look forward to more!
9/19/2012 c38 25MaireAilbhe
Mmmmmmm! Lovely! I can't wait for more!
9/19/2012 c38 2Jeremy Shane
Legendary Chapter & More Please
9/4/2012 c37 thepatiltwins
I'm reading this and watching series 5 (for the first time) simultaneously. Well, not at the exact same time, because that'd be stupid... but yeah. Your fic's really good and you stay really in-style and in-character :)
I just finished Chapter 37 and tried to hit next chapter, but there was nothing there. HeartBroken.
9/2/2012 c1 Guest
Wow... I am seriously loving this! I always liked Buffy and Angel.. They were such a tragic love. Buffy and Riley was very sweet.. Buffy and Spike, I have to say is my favorite! They were RED HOT! In every sense of the word! I love the way you write the characters! You make them sound so authentic! I love the way you write and I am dying for more!'
9/1/2012 c37 99Indigo-Night-Wisp
Joss, I'm just LOVING this Xander! Supporto-guy is right!

I must admit, I giggle every time I read this story. Even in the somewhat serious parts, usually because Buffy-speak is happening, and it's just something you do so well.
9/1/2012 c1 5Syn'phasia
Never read Buffy..but this sounds like a good story! I will be continuing to see how this story goes!
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