Just In
for A Fairy Tail

9/17/2012 c4 3TheLostHope
I would really love it if you also made a NaLu fic! :)
9/15/2012 c3 Sarah
I am so in love with this story, so worth not doing my assignments
9/15/2012 c1 sarah
loved this omg :)
9/4/2012 c4 Leanne Age 16
im a big nalu fan
thx for the extra :)
9/4/2012 c2 Leanne Age 16
it was cool
8/30/2012 c11 Guest
This is awesome! Please write more! (some lemon here and there)
8/24/2012 c10 pixiewings08
What happened to the ending of this?... You said there was going to be another chapter?
8/20/2012 c2 8maidenstage
I like this sweet Gajeel, but at the same time he seems a bit OOC, so I have mixed feelings about him. Overall this story isn't too bad, but I'm definitely waiting for more.
8/9/2012 c8 12SakuraIchigoDark
that new story sounds interesting.
8/9/2012 c4 SakuraIchigoDark

oh well I'm sure gajeel will look after. Thank you for the NaLu.
8/9/2012 c2 SakuraIchigoDark
:') it's beautiful. It was also hilarious in some places.
I would never imagine gajeel canon balling into a swimming pool but alas it has been imagined.

And I must say that

"I will fight even if I am weak, I will protect even if I am losing the battle, I will love those around me even if they turn and hate me"

Is one (if not the) most beautiful things i've ever read/heard
8/9/2012 c1 SakuraIchigoDark
awwww. it was so cUte. It was the perfect mix of lemon and sweetness. I'll keep reading so don't stop writing, ya hear?

p.s awesome profile picture XD
6/3/2012 c4 LethalHobo
Gosh darn. This is NOT my favorite pairing. But its the most well weitten fanfic ive ever come acrosss. WHY CRULE FAIT.
4/1/2012 c11 Ellis
I likeee it
3/5/2012 c10 DolphinGirl977
Update soon plEASE! T_T
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