Just In
for A Fairy Tail

3/5/2012 c9 DolphinGirl977
Wait, they were gonna have twins: boy and girl? and now only Hiroko is left?
1/18/2012 c3 8Kimikashi1161
i really like your story so far, keep it up!

p.s. chapter 3 REALLY makes me wanna know how Natsu and Lucy came to be mates... ;)
10/28/2011 c2 klagana1
ohh i want that! that was great!
10/28/2011 c1 klagana1
aww! i love this paring!
9/4/2011 c1 7NatsuxLucy4ever
I completely love this chapter so much... Can't wait to read the next chapter! ^_^
8/31/2011 c2 Mali r Moore
My bio only read three chps but mannnn you on good auhtor seriously I thought at one point this never need to end you need to keep writing like seriously I sure someone will sign you
8/20/2011 c11 5Mangaka Shuzen
Whoa... Very nice=] I initially thought it was a continuation of the previous chapters till I read the AU=] must say ur sense of description is so vivid I can imagine my self feeling it=] I admire ur writing=] GAMBATE!
8/11/2011 c4 camisadorintenshii
was it just me or did it seem like Gajeel went into Avatar state for the first time or something?
8/4/2011 c10 3Kaiisan
please please please update soon! This is friggin' awesome! :) I can't wait for the highschool one too!
6/16/2011 c10 13Medley Nightfallen
Love it ! it's a little sad though... but I really want the sequel ! Oh please *0* update soon ! Please ? ^^
4/18/2011 c10 NikoleRivers
aww :) :( I feel bad for Levy...
4/17/2011 c10 5Mangaka Shuzen
Nice chapter :D Levy's become gangstah huh?
4/11/2011 c9 11XeringSnake
this chapter is so much sweet i just love it T.T is sad but sweet

this is not the end it is? noooo still much to goo what happend with lucy and natsu, and hiroko, did they bright her back I NEED TO KNOW!

3/12/2011 c9 5Kurono-Angel
great story! rlllly lemony (x

are u going to update anytime soon? i really wana read what happens next~
3/9/2011 c9 Erilys
I don't really speak english, so I hope you could understand me.

What a beautiful story ! And I also like the Fairy Tail high school story a lot ! I hope you keep going with it. Please update soon or I'll use Levy's puppy eyes (well actually I don't think it would have the same effect ^^)
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