Just In
for Never Look Back

5/30/2021 c8 Bambu ade
Grazie mille per la vostra storia
4/1/2017 c10 22Clavyus
Beautiful story.
5/3/2014 c10 love brucas
Loved the story
11/17/2011 c10 fan
Brucas had the best writing as a couple. Their history was so much more heart felt then Peyton and Lucas's.
5/1/2011 c10 3sage-kkm
3/5/2011 c10 craxygirl54
I loved how you ended this it was perfect. I admit i was a bit skeptical at first I wasn't sure if you were gonna be able to bring them together but you did and I'm happy. The way you ended it with some of their most beautiful quotes was just perfect...this story was amazing!
3/5/2011 c9 craxygirl54
I don't like Lucas right now nor Peyton.

Brooke should be selfish for the first time in her life but I know she's not. Well still reading and waiting for that BL you promised...
3/4/2011 c8 craxygirl54
Go Brooke finally letting him know how he hurt her. The kiss at the end was unexpected for me to tell you the truth but I guess it seem right. So what's gonna happened now with Peyton? Will he leave her or what?
3/4/2011 c7 craxygirl54
I actually don't know how you're gonna make this a BL story. Here Luke is desperately in love with Peyton and he even told her that having a baby will not change anything between them so now I'm wondering how that's gonna work out? Even if Lucas changed his mind (which he does A LOT) Brooke will never accept him because she wants him to love her for her and not because they have a daughter. I'm gonna continue reading this even though I'm a bit skeptical about this story.
3/4/2011 c6 craxygirl54
I'm sorry to say this I know that you like Leyton and everything but what Lucas did was stupid. He can't just make a decision like that just because Peyton was in hysterics. I will never understand Leyton and the way they were pushed together just because they were "destined" to be together but whatever. Umm what Haley is gonna do well let's just say it's probably gonna make Brooke a bit mad and yet I'm happy if it means Lucas will open his eyes to the truth.
3/4/2011 c4 craxygirl54
I can see how much live Brooke has for baby Beth and that's pretty cool despite everything that she's feeling for Lucas. I can also see that Luke still cares about Brooke and I'm just hoping he realizes that before it's too late. This was a very good chapter and I can't wait to read what happens next.
3/4/2011 c1 craxygirl54
Wow i think I'm hooked to this story even if it's the first chapter. Can't wait to read the rest.
2/19/2011 c10 1alittledanger

the quotes in the end made me want to cry

2/17/2011 c10 5tanya2byour21
I love this story and i hope you write a sequel to is maybe brooke and lucas are tring to start their life together and Peyton decided to come back after all and fight for Lucas but Brooke is not going to back down this time and walk away from Lucas or something like that lol. This was fantastic story and I loved it.

2/12/2011 c10 PixieVendetta
Ok really, I've loved this story from the minute I first read it. You managed to stay so in character and you were so faithful to Brucas with this story and I know I've been pretty down since now that Brulian are married it really does shut down my complete and utter irrational hope for a Brucas endgame. But I have to say that this ending was an ending I could have totally seen happening. You just made it realistic and yeah while I totally hated Leyton you managed to write their ending with respect and that was nice to read. That he loves Brooke more than he could ever love Peyton, she's just the one. I really loved this and the montage of different profound Brucas scenes was just the cherry on top of this great story. Especially, the last line, "People that belong together always find their way back together in the end," totally ties up everything that made me love Brucas because it was so real. Kudos to you, you took these great characters and made an amazing story that just helped to renew my Brucas love and it was only 10 chapters! While I respect that this is probably your first and last Brucas story, I still hope to see more on this couple from you!
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