Just In
for A Shock to the System

11/15 c11 grapesiii
4/22 c26 Daisy57
I loved this story it was really wonderful thank you for sharing.
4/9/2023 c3 Dazzlingsparkle
12/10/2021 c25 1divyvicki
Liked Liam better, but Billy fits with the story!
12/10/2021 c23 divyvicki
Great story! Loved it!
12/10/2021 c19 divyvicki
Hoping Tanya doesnt rear her ugly head anytime soon.
12/10/2021 c18 divyvicki
glad he explained his behavior!
12/10/2021 c17 divyvicki
Good for Edward!
12/9/2021 c11 divyvicki
She has the worst luck!
11/17/2021 c10 divyvicki
Glad skankya is gone,
11/17/2021 c9 divyvicki
Oh, no! Edward is in trouble with Mama Esme!
10/28/2021 c7 divyvicki
What’s the deal with him wiping his hand?
10/28/2021 c6 divyvicki
Interesting will!
10/28/2021 c5 divyvicki
Somehow I had a feeling this was were you were going with this.
10/28/2021 c4 divyvicki
Sure hope nothing happens to Angela and Ben
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