Just In
for Truth or Death

9/23/2012 c3 22GinervaMarieChaseEverdeen
Update please!
9/16/2012 c3 milburnmindy
Omg please tell ur contuing with the story or u let someone else keep writing either way please. PM me and let me know love the story in just 3 chapters!
6/24/2012 c3 city bookworm
Isn't Bella to young if she is 14? Though that might not matter after.
5/5/2012 c3 dimiksgirl123
Keep up the good work
5/5/2012 c2 dimiksgirl123
So sad
5/2/2012 c3 9Dragz1991
please update soon!
5/2/2012 c3 1DIsHot
amazing story! please update soon :D
5/2/2012 c3 12an uglier end
i'm a sucker for happy stuff too cant wait for the rest of the story... really excited :)
1/5/2011 c2 9Dragz1991
please update soon!
12/20/2010 c2 MsKathyrnBrown
awwwwwww... keep going.

12/9/2010 c2 13Simaril
Another awesome chapter.

I really liked reading in first person perspective.

Does she know they are vampires? It would be a shame to miss reading how she worked it out and her reactions.
12/8/2010 c1 Simaril
Fantastic story please update soon.
12/4/2010 c1 SamMorgan-Cassidine
please please please write more
11/28/2010 c1 1hmtcutie
OMG LOVE IT! Why did you start out with Carlisle? Does Edward still fall in love with her?
11/28/2010 c1 pseudonimo
A very exciting first chapter.

I like the character development and having a younger Bella at the start of the story is uncommon so kudos to you for going against the norm.

I’m looking forward to reading more.

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