Just In
for Insomnia

12/14/2011 c3 6Lionmate
cute story, lookign forward to reading more
9/7/2011 c3 18Lain Lang
Nice fic! keep going! really liked it!
8/26/2011 c3 Lydia-Hood
This is a nice story, always love the Harry and Luna ones, and it seem Harry is in denials like most males at an early age tend to be when dealing with females.
8/26/2011 c3 3adambrodylover
I loved Hermione snorting at Harry, hilarious! Really interesting story, can't wait to read more!
8/25/2011 c3 48Downton'sLibrarian
This story is superb! A slice of good ol'-fashioned Harry/Luna fluff, whether it be humourous or romantic, is one of my favourite story categories. And is there a funny tongue-in-cheek joke with Corcoran? If you're a true Luna fan, you'll know what I'm thinking of.
1/14/2011 c2 1Frohtastic
Lately this pairing has hit me like a pimp slaps his hoe.

in any case, Nice story ^^ hope to see more soon :D
1/11/2011 c2 67randompandattack
It's an OK chapter, but ron is really annoying.
1/10/2011 c2 sp
cute story
1/10/2011 c2 3walters1
A really nice chapter. Please add more ASAP!
1/10/2011 c2 1mesmerizingeyes
omg i loved it! it was so cute. cant wait for more!
1/10/2011 c2 Penseln
That was a good follow up and rather entertaining to read so well done.
1/10/2011 c2 1Neutral-Chaotic
This is a really interesting introduction. Looking forward to seeing what happens!
12/22/2010 c1 11office teaparty
AWE SO CUTE I love them! Harry's 'they travel in packs, not herds' was awesome.
11/30/2010 c1 A Fan
There is a way to control dreaming, hypothetically anyway. It's called Lucid Dreaming. Wikipedia has somethings on it and it would be right up Luna's alley.
11/30/2010 c1 49TheOtherMaidOfTarth
Sweet fic :D
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