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for Harry Potter and the Heart of Gondor

12/8/2010 c2 11SafirePhoenix
Very interesting, but vary the sentence structure. Every one just seems to go and on with unnecessary commas.
12/8/2010 c8 11Cherry-Starburst
Love the story, although I found myself really not liking this chapter - Harry's suddenly exploded in arrogance. He talks of Boromir being arrogant but he's five times worse, talking of how he's more amazing than even Gandalf and how he always wins staring contests and stuff. I've really enjoyed the story up until now, though. I just hope the arrogance dies down a bit
12/8/2010 c1 Siven80
Put slash in the summary so those of us looking for a good HP/LOTR crossover arent fooled into thinking this is a normal fic.
12/8/2010 c8 Lizziliane
I think their relationship is perfect, as is your entire story^^ Keep going, it's great!
12/6/2010 c7 5EmeraldGreyClouds
i can't wait to read more of this, especially more of harry's "super cool fighting moves".
12/6/2010 c7 10Tiger DeRanged
That was absolutly AMAZING! I love how u manipulated the story but stuck to the core of it! :) Can't wait for the next chapter! lol
12/6/2010 c7 LizzieDizzie
I love it so far. You sent him there way earlyer than I have seen anyone when merging the two worlds. I love the idea of Harry's bad-guy and Aragon's bad-guy, both there. Love it so far, cant wait for more updates =D
12/6/2010 c2 red713
Interesting start - I'm looking forward to reading the other chapters you've posted so far. You might consider adding more sensory details to your writing. Where is the battle taking place? Is it day, night, twilight? Is it cold outside? That kind of detail will help draw readers into the scene.

Also, the summary for "Heart of Gondor" describes the final battle as "anticlimactic". I wouldn't call the events of Ch.2 an anticlimactic conclusion to the Harry Potter saga. A huge battle between the forces of light and dark, light wizards fighting Death Eaters and dark creatures using both wands and blades, culminating in an epic duel between Harry and his nemesis? Quite the climax. It's not HAPPY, certainly, but not anticlimactic.
12/6/2010 c7 Lizziliane
The chapter was great. You made it really clear when you changed POV, so don't worry about that. It's interesting to know how each character sees the action.
12/5/2010 c7 9AnimeIceFox
Hahahahaha, nice chapter! Poor Harry always being injured! And Frodo is always in the middle of their cuddle time! ^_^ Good work!
12/5/2010 c6 10Tiger DeRanged
OH MY GOTH! that was absolutly AMAZING! This chapter only had a few points that didn't make sense. If this is Harry's p.o.v then he wouldn't know what Gandalf knew so he couldn't really state it...but besides that it's amazing! :D
12/5/2010 c6 13CrazyDisasterForKicks
Do you have a Beta? I was just wondering because there are some mistakes. Not a lot, but a bit choppy and a few grammatical errors. It's pretty interesting though, it seems like you rushed the Romance between Harry and Aragorn. Oh well, its your story. I'm waiting for another chapter ;)
12/5/2010 c6 9AnimeIceFox
YES! And now the real storyline begins! ^_^ Don't et me wrong, I loved the story up to now. I was just wondering what Voldemortwas up to all this time. Things are about to get crazy!
12/4/2010 c5 13CrazyDisasterForKicks
Interesting. I'm enjoying this and cannot wait till you put up a née chapter!

How old is Aragorn in this? How old will Harry be when the fellowship starts? Questions!
12/4/2010 c5 10Tiger DeRanged
PLEASE UPDATE SOON! You're gonna make me die in suspense! T-T
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