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for Harry Potter and the Heart of Gondor

11/11/2016 c13 10LittleMoonlightLover
Can you put an update in this story when the new story is up please?
10/21/2016 c12 Gidget1889
I guess you forgot about this story. Or lost interest. I am hoping by this message that your interest and inspiration will be rekindled. I love how this story is going so far and I can't wait for an update. I am sad that this is the second time I have read it and I didn't even get to see it updated, much less finished.
5/25/2016 c12 Angel4EverLostInLife
More please!
5/3/2016 c12 8Thorilian
Omg, omg, omg, more please, a truly inspired story I love it and can't wait for more, im hooked!
1/1/2016 c12 ManyGamesPlayed
I absolutely can't wait to see more! Please update soon! ;)
9/29/2015 c12 kyradelia
y a une suite?
8/4/2015 c12 JMLove
I love this crossover adventure! You've written it very well and I applaud you. The relationships, interaction, and storytelling is phenomenal and flow well together. I know it's been years since your last update, and you may have lost inspiration or life just won't let you write, but the way your story currently is, it is the biggest cliff hanger ever! From what I can tell, you just finished "The Two Towers" and now have left "The Return of the King." From what I can tell of your writing style, I see maybe one, two, or even three more chapters to wrap up your mini-epic here (excluding epilogues).
7/15/2015 c12 Anne
I love this history. I hope someday you continue.
3/9/2015 c12 TenderNightshade
Remus' explanation was truly brilliant. I'm glad that IDareYouToLoveMe gave you such inspiration to write such an amazing chapter. In fact, the entire fanfic I've found truly amazing! Don't give up on it, there's so much yet to be written and so many possibilities to come about. I know it's been a few years now, but that doesn't mean that you still can't pick up from where you left off. Or if something doesn't feel right then I hope you'll find some way to work it out. There's always a way, no matter what situation comes to be. Good luck if you do decide to continue.
2/23/2015 c12 Guest
Very good, now for the rest of the story. I'm not happy that you put Harry & Aragorn as lovers but it is your story.
2/16/2015 c12 Lly
I discovered recently and I love history. I hope someday you continue.
2/2/2015 c12 Fenryka
Love this. Looks abandoned though. Really hope it isn't...
1/22/2015 c12 6Lalenja
Hey, I know it has been ages since your last update, however I would really love to see this finished ... I don't care if you start from the beginning or just bring this one to the end ... But please don't give up, you made it already so far into the book ...
1/17/2015 c12 2Angel SilverWinter
great story
1/7/2015 c1 Guest
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