Just In
for Harry Potter and the Heart of Gondor

10/28/2014 c12 Kaizo-Hatake
6/22/2014 c3 BenLoVesLV
I just found this fic and so far it looks very promising :)!
6/4/2014 c12 3Leticia Moriarty
cool story
4/14/2014 c12 whrr.trudy
It is a very sweet and adorable story.
4/6/2014 c9 Hikari-Pandora
Ah, I remember liking this story and I still do, thank you!
12/14/2013 c12 7Myra the Dovahkiin
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.
7/26/2013 c12 MsSwirnieta
Well, i hope that you will continue writing this story even after the long brake.
For your poll i think that if not re-writing for yourself you should leave it as it is 'cause if it wasn't good already it wouldn't have so much favs and alerts;)
hope to see your writing yet.
7/10/2013 c12 andrestingleff
one of the finest tales of a long loving life i have had the pleasure reading, i love the pairing, and the respect. looking forward for more
1/28/2013 c9 3TheLonesomeMonster
Damn. I was hoping that Harry would say 'run you fools!' before falling with Gandalf. That would have been epic.
12/19/2012 c12 delete-account-please 742011
this is great can't wait for more so please update again.
12/19/2012 c12 Gracealma
Wow! Wonderful story. Love all the action. So glad that Haldir didn't get killed, and that Remus is here on this world with Harry. And the love that Aragorn has for Harry. Please update when you can.
12/15/2012 c12 Becca
I can't wait for the up date for this story!
8/9/2012 c12 1xxserafinxx
Hmm...this is pretty interesting! :) But, I unfortunately have one dissatisfaction: I don't think I really like how you're making Harry do all the things that the other members of the fellowship are supposed to be how Harry says Gandalf's lines, finds Merry and Pippin's tracks instead of Aragorn, and also falling over the cliff instead of Aragorn... It's like you're lessening the importance of their roles within the story. It almost takes away from the story actually, because so much of what is happening is centered on Harry.

Anyway, just giving you my two cents, something to keep in mind as you continue the story. Other than that, Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to your next chapter! :]
8/6/2012 c12 4Tempest S
Is Arwen not even in this story at all? Cause even when Harry was at Rivendale she wasn't mentioned although her brothers were.
7/19/2012 c12 Anariel Phoenix Blade
Great story. I can't wait to read more. Is Remus still a werewolf? Or did the Valar fix that for him? If he is, will he keep his mind or turn into a mindless beast? Please update soon.
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