Just In
for Harry Potter and the Heart of Gondor

6/7/2012 c12 Shannon the Original
This is great please update soon I can't wait to read more.
5/13/2012 c12 kayamira
yes, this chapter is satisfactory - and the whole story is, too.

Even if I still wonder why harry let Frodo go and did not join him, but oh well, he's having fun smacking Kings on the heads and stuff... ;) He does that rather often, no? But, I mean, its all the better for us readers getting our fun. I personally think that all the hugging gets a bit exuberant but that's just my opinion.

I had quite a lot of fun though reading how he knows about everyone important in Middle Earth, as it seems, and his relationship with his Hobbits, especially Frodo is very nicely written.

No, seriously, it's a great story, and I am suprised that you managed to get Remus to join the mix. How many years have passed on earth? What about his "furry little problem"?

Did you give up this story or are there any chances of other chapters?
4/24/2012 c12 janet1982
awesome story, would like to read more, please update=)
4/16/2012 c12 Hadrian the Black
great writing! good luck with the next chapter!
4/4/2012 c12 mangafox
this chapter was amazing!

so...when are you going to update again?
2/29/2012 c12 1fan2fic
that was wonderful! so glad to see how much Remus did just to get to his "son". I do hope there'll be more some time!
2/29/2012 c11 fan2fic
That was too brilliant! OH man, Remus! I can't wait to read the next chapter!
1/27/2012 c12 3jaufanfic
I LOVE this fic! It's the best Harry potter/LOTR story I have read! It is beautifully written, love the relationships and friendships you have created, and Harry's evolutions and travels! I would like to see him starting to warm up to Boromir. He was a good man, his father didn't do him any favors and was desperate to please him and in the end he did give his life to protect Merry and Pippin and he loved Faramir very much. I'm looking forward to an Eowyn/Aragorn confrontation, I love that harry is still clueless with girls liking him! So funny! I hope you update soon!
12/30/2011 c12 2BeautifulxDestructionx
ohh me love me love me love! This is am awesome piece of work!
12/21/2011 c12 6Niwaki
nice please continue soon
12/18/2011 c12 Lesewuermchen

thanks for such a great story!And Remus,who would have thought?

I'm just a bit sad that you take all the cool scenes away from Aragorn and give them to Harry. I would like to see Harry worrying for Aragorn for a change and him being the strong and clever Dunedain that he is.

I'm really interested to see how you change the storyline to fit Boromir, when they make their way to Gondor.

Well, I hope you keep on writing anyway 'cause it seems to have been quite some time since the last chapter has been posted, no?

Either way, I like it a lot and hope to read more.

Liebe Grüße

12/13/2011 c12 Vicki219
Brilliant story!
12/13/2011 c12 Safiiri
This story is just amazing. I love the way you integrated Harry into ME, and adding Remus was just a wonderful touch. I'm really enjoying Aragorn/Harry's relationship, although I want to smack Eowyn for even THINKING about it *mutters*

Can't wait to see the next chapter :)
11/28/2011 c3 Namna-dono
I do love Bilbo. "Oh look! A Man! Let's bring him into my hole!" Then Harry wakes up. "So you're not from around here? I'll disregard the undoubtably haunted look in his eyes. My goodness! He's so skinny! He must have skipped third lunch!". Love this story so far though! I never thought about Aragorn/Harry before. But it kinda works. You'll make a fangirl of me yet! (And I like so don't mind if it turns into kissy wissy lovey dovey mush. Or a hot, heated mess. I don't mind. Honest!)

PS Thanks for the fave on "Can You Hear Me?"!
11/20/2011 c12 NaKita27791
I really love this story so far and I can't wait for more, please update when you get the chance please. thank you =)
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