Just In
for Ruby eyes meet Caramel

8/20/2011 c1 Catnip Banana not logged in
Hey, just one question. How exactly does the whole human-troll hybrid thing work? Cause, um, ignoring the obvious possibilities of genetic incompatibility, the size thing is kind of...ow. I mean, you know, average human male height is about 6 feet and their penises are usually in the 6-7 inches range? Average troll height is somewhere around 8 feet. Unless the guy was pretty small, there might be some problems in the reproduction department. Like, "OW OW OW MY UTERUS AIIIIIIE".
3/29/2011 c3 1Cora Grey
I hope you update this soon. I'm really enjoying it and I hope it wasn't abandoned. I wanna know what happens Q.Q
3/10/2011 c3 2Isildorana
I really enjoyed the story. All I can say is: Proof read. There were many, many mistakes and quite often the reader is required to 'fill in' much of the sentences. If you need to, wait a few hours after you finish writing and re-read your story. Like I said before: The story, itself, is very good, and your imagery is fantastic. You just need to work on proof reading. All in all, a great story! Can't wait for more!
12/3/2010 c1 3Mr.Light-of-Twilight
I like it! It's a very go start to the story and is very well written and I look forward to the next update.

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