Just In
for Hidden Sunray

1/12/2024 c8 Kira
Please make another chapter, its been 10 years!
you cant stop this!
9/13/2021 c5 Cauldronw Jena
7/30/2018 c8 Guest
Pls go for shikaku nara or sasuke uchiha
6/22/2018 c8 5kyuzi4869
I DO hope you can update it again pleaseeeeee
Pretty please with cherry on top
I AM hungry with the fluffy story of this family
I REALLY DO love it
Pleaseeeeeee... Or maybe you can open adoption for this story, so then there will be someone continuing this SUPER great story
It is shame that this is abandoned
This story do not deserve it
You are great author, this is your baby
Please let this story grew up and shine
3/30/2018 c8 24Blitza
Amazing. Also, maybe sasuke cuz his mom knows kushina? Or hinata for her gentle and kind temperment?
12/22/2017 c8 Guest
when the next chapter will come
11/28/2017 c8 fuck
love the story it so sad and happy at the same time
7/17/2017 c8 1NarutoAdmirer21
This is so good!
It's interesting and well paced and I can feel all the emotions that you write about and they bounce out and hit me right in the heart!
It's really well written too!
As for the adverb before a word thing you asked about, personally I don't feel that it makes much of a difference
I'm so excited for the next chapter!
Uummmmm maybe he could meet with Sasuke?
Cos then he'd meet Itachi as well
Maybe, unless Sasuke is too old to walk with his brother But still
This is amazing!
I love this so much!
10/11/2016 c8 thatsmartchick
Oh my goodness, you are amazing. I started reading this story and then I couldn't stop! If you ever decide to continue this story, I will defiantly read it!
7/1/2016 c8 6my 2 guys
that was good keep the chapters coming
7/1/2016 c7 my 2 guys
that was good keep the chapters coming
7/1/2016 c6 my 2 guys
that was good keep the chapters coming
6/30/2016 c5 my 2 guys
that was good keep the chapters coming
6/30/2016 c4 my 2 guys
that was good keep the chapters coming
6/30/2016 c3 my 2 guys
that was good keep the chapters coming
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