Just In
for Wizard Saiyan

8/4/2012 c6 22edboy4926
Good story.
Sad about Master Roshi.
3/26/2012 c6 anon
master roshi did in by an avada! no way!
1/4/2012 c4 Nick
Let me get this straight. Harry is 2 years old and still hasn't learned to walk? Thanks, but a retarded Harry is not something I enjoy reading about. Toodles.
12/17/2011 c6 Seimika
you know tech roshi cant be killed.. he drank the water of life which means he will probley live will the world goes boom... just saying.
12/13/2011 c6 15alchemists19
Great story cant wait for more
12/8/2011 c6 loginanout
NOOOOO you killed the pervert!
12/8/2011 c5 loginanout
I like how your mixing the worlds
12/8/2011 c4 loginanout
ok Do they age in the time room or is it a place they can train for years and not age?
12/8/2011 c3 loginanout
I wonder whats happening?
12/8/2011 c2 loginanout
man I'm really liking this, I cant help but smile while I read this.
12/8/2011 c1 loginanout
ok the last part was funny
12/6/2011 c6 15Nyumun
12/5/2011 c6 32King of the Fallen
Oh that aint good. You want to feel bad for the old man. Nice job with the fic, please update soon, ja ne.
12/5/2011 c6 2HP-DG-AP-PN-RG-NR
Oh hell no! How could you do that? YOU EVIL WRITER! You can't kill off Master Roshi, that's just wrong. Ok, angry rant aside, not bad of a story, I like it so far, I hope that you'll update again soon, this is great.

12/5/2011 c6 josh148513

Going a little slow

Update soon
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