Just In
for The Plan - OUTTAKES

10/3/2022 c2 1DMBSJB18
2 years and no drawer and only a travel tooth brush? And what’s with the creepy step mom pic! Haha! This outtake needs to be expanded upon!
Just re read the whole pdf of this story and effing LOVE It. Always. These two! All the heart eyes
1/5/2020 c5 1jenejes
Aaaahhhhh! Hahahahahahahaha.

Big smooches and thanks for sharing.
12/22/2019 c5 Kareng
Now this is a Merry Christmas! Thank you!
12/21/2019 c5 Azucena
What a little lovely gift! Thank you
12/20/2019 c5 luckyloli
Thank you, thank you, thank you...I have missed them so much.
12/22/2019 c5 lullabyrainbow
damn! after all those years thinking that Edward really loved pineapple because of Bella's blowjobs... this is such a relief haha
12/20/2019 c4 Kris Robertson
4:16... Finished, but tried to read slowly... Savoring every word.
Thank you, this made my day!
#FanGirl caffeine_needed
12/20/2019 c3 Kris Robertson
O(bsessive)C(ullen)D(esire) ! A daydream better than the real thing... Have we not all been there? Lol
12/20/2019 c2 Kris Robertson
L. O. L. Honestly, out effing loud. ;-p
12/20/2019 c1 Kris Robertson
3:49... How absolutely wonderful to be reading words by you! Continuing on...
12/20/2019 c5 Guest
Love it!
12/22/2019 c5 polyphany
Love it! ;-)
12/22/2019 c5 30Rebadams7
Oh I see the fob and bob are not necessary!
Loved it
12/22/2019 c5 Cullenosopy
Thank you!
12/22/2019 c5 Twiggalina
Great stuff! I thought all these outtakes were new but have just realised that some were posted years ago and I missed them.
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