Just In
for Sleep Your Life Away

12/25/2010 c2 AnyOrdinaryGirl
huh? awesome story, I'm so confused! You're so mysterious laa~ Lookin' forward to a new chapter!
12/25/2010 c4 hellolove98
That... was... sad. I think. O.o She has a boyfriend... nooooooooooooooooooooo. ANYWAY.. good chapter. xD
12/23/2010 c3 hellolove98
Well, as always, another amazing chapter. Will Percy get over his "problems?" I hope so.
12/23/2010 c3 3Stygian.Wolf
poor percy. please update
12/23/2010 c3 4Julianna54321
what a pleasant surprise I thought this was going to happen!
12/22/2010 c3 4sifusugarqueen
Sorry haven't gotten to review this story yet. I read it but haven't had the time

Okay soo, this is really cool. I mean it's like completely different then what's usually on this site. (ur good at that stuff) I like it so far. Keep updating!


12/20/2010 c2 3Stygian.Wolf
puhleazzzzeee update! g2g peace pples!
12/20/2010 c2 Percabeth4lyf
Totally awesome, keep it up please add more Percabeth!
12/19/2010 c2 Guest
I like it. But is Percy a demigod or not? And if he isn't why is he seeing this stuff.
12/17/2010 c2 hellolove98
Okay, you are officially one of the best writers I've ever read. No joke. This is amazing.
12/16/2010 c1 yeppppppp
Write more
12/15/2010 c1 fillerusername
Why is percy always depressed, not annabeth?
12/15/2010 c1 2K.Wu
WHAT DOES HE DO WHEN HE NEEDS TO GO TO THE BATHROOM? o_O Anyways, I love the idea of this story. :)
12/14/2010 c1 hellolove98
Wow, okay, you're a really amazing writer! I like the idea a lot. But does he ever get up? :O what about like... going to the bathroom? xD I don't know. But really cool idea/chapter/everything else. :D Update as soon as you're up to it!
12/14/2010 c1 5bella my love
Really good! You're an amazing author with what you are doing with Gigantic and I can see this becoming a great story too!
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