Just In
for A new Player in the Game

5/7/2024 c13 MDLuffy09
I love this story! Wonderfully written! I hope to see you continue it!
3/25/2020 c13 2Loki921
Please continue.
12/18/2019 c13 Angle
Please update soon
8/8/2019 c13 SabannaLea
Please update soon ,Love it!
12/23/2018 c13 4Hanna Renee Azimuth
Do you plane to contiune cause if so please do. This is really good.
11/1/2018 c13 KUMIKIOLovestar
Please update this I love it ️
9/25/2018 c13 3Maenas
Yaaah ! Ton histoire est géniale, j'espère que tu la finira un jour :)
9/25/2018 c1 Maenas
Je n'ai que lu le premier chapitre mais je sent que j'aime déjà cette histoire. :)
7/16/2018 c13 1Nyac Silver Fang
I love the story please continue I can't wait to read the next chapter
5/1/2018 c13 Mispra2006
When updates please update
2/7/2018 c13 Savanna
Love it update soon!
11/4/2017 c13 2Marsmiko
Please update your almost done with season 1 keep it up
7/13/2017 c13 lara5170
I really hope this story will be continued
7/13/2017 c11 lara5170
I am not familiar with the yu-gi-oh story but I have enjoyed reading this. I know it has been a year but I hope this story will be continued
6/16/2017 c13 2Shadow.Kanna1999
you should really continue this story its interesting.
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