Just In
for Unseen Encounters

7/6/2017 c2 LibraAera2110
J'adore cette fiction! Pourquoi ne pas la continuer, elle semble géniale! Personnellement, je verrais bien Kagome avec le frère de Rukia. Elle arriverait peut-être à le décoincer!
8/19/2014 c4 2sweetpotatopumpkin
I vote Toshiro/Kagome! :) I love this story and I can't wait until the next chapter. Update soon please.
6/9/2014 c2 3FabulousSleepyHead
I would have thought she would have said "What's going on? Are you ok?" Or something
8/20/2013 c4 2psychofreakBB
cool update soon like it. It's cute (well sorta) to see Urahara (it's written wrong right? ) as a dad xD
6/6/2013 c4 BabyAssassin
your story definitely deserves an update because it's awesome but its been three years since you've updated so is it too late to vote on toshiro
5/11/2013 c4 34Yugao702
Definitely Kagome and Toshiro! I mostly prefer them
3/10/2013 c4 Ehlonna the Demoness
More, spelled Tatsuki, and Tōshirō Hitsugaya for pairing please
3/10/2013 c2 Ehlonna the Demoness
tou-san means father/dad
kaa-san means mother/mom
1/3/2013 c4 35Yoruko Rhapsodos
Toshiro or Byakuya, please. Preferably Byakuya. I like sesskag, but I prefer crossover pairings in crossovers.
10/15/2012 c4 mide1718
its a really cool chapter and please continue
the stiry abd i would like a Kagome/Toshiro
9/29/2012 c4 2Joker2113
She should be with Ichigo. Please update soon please!
9/25/2012 c4 2xXCrossoverLoverXx
Kagome and Toshiro please! It's absolutely my favorite pairing and there's not alot of them unfortunately... -.-

I hope you update this because I REALLY REALLY love this :D
9/23/2012 c4 TsukiyoTenshi
This definitely sounds interesting! Oh, and I don't know if this'll count anymore, but I vote for the Kagome and Byakuya pairing!
9/5/2012 c4 5Elfy lolita
Is tatsuki, kuchiki, inoue .3.
7/18/2012 c4 4j-LO.lemon
please continue its cool
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