9/5/2012 c3 Guest
When is the nxt chapter coming out?
When is the nxt chapter coming out?
1/22/2012 c3
i LOVE this story cant wait for more this is the second persona fanfiction i read and its totally awesome cant wait to read more i also like how you have both the main characters

i LOVE this story cant wait for more this is the second persona fanfiction i read and its totally awesome cant wait to read more i also like how you have both the main characters
11/7/2011 c3 me
I really like this story so far, so I hope you are going to continue. Your Hamuko and Minato are great! Even if they seem to be a bit too close, but I suppose they always depended on each other after their parents death...
I love the Shinji x Hamu pairing (I'm already looking forward to their interactions. It's bound to be funny xD)
Oh, and before I forget, you once wrote Minako instead of Hamuko when she was having her nice dream.
Well, I really hope you decide to continue this story!
I really like this story so far, so I hope you are going to continue. Your Hamuko and Minato are great! Even if they seem to be a bit too close, but I suppose they always depended on each other after their parents death...
I love the Shinji x Hamu pairing (I'm already looking forward to their interactions. It's bound to be funny xD)
Oh, and before I forget, you once wrote Minako instead of Hamuko when she was having her nice dream.
Well, I really hope you decide to continue this story!
5/16/2011 c2 L
I like the whole idea of them being siblings and existing in the same game... but do they have to be so touchy-feely? It just seems a bit incestious and weird... Like the cuddling, sleeping together, hand holding, undressing in the same room... I actually have a twin brother, and as much as I love him and would give my life for him, we are not that affectionate. We hug... that's about it. Anything more just seems a bit, I don't know, creepy. I don't know any other pair of siblings that touch and snuggle that much, if I did I would probably try to stage an intervention. I am a huge fan of the Shinji/MCF pairing so I will continue to read this and just mind-edit out all the taboo MinatoXHamuko gropeing.
I like the whole idea of them being siblings and existing in the same game... but do they have to be so touchy-feely? It just seems a bit incestious and weird... Like the cuddling, sleeping together, hand holding, undressing in the same room... I actually have a twin brother, and as much as I love him and would give my life for him, we are not that affectionate. We hug... that's about it. Anything more just seems a bit, I don't know, creepy. I don't know any other pair of siblings that touch and snuggle that much, if I did I would probably try to stage an intervention. I am a huge fan of the Shinji/MCF pairing so I will continue to read this and just mind-edit out all the taboo MinatoXHamuko gropeing.
4/10/2011 c2 Unknown-Rostam
You know what I think is weird? Ryoji's Fortune, not The World in FES/P3P. Aigis could be The World, if you were to consider The Answer.
You know what I think is weird? Ryoji's Fortune, not The World in FES/P3P. Aigis could be The World, if you were to consider The Answer.
1/24/2011 c3
Haha I love how Minato and Hamuko basically hold hands the whole way there...causing Yukari to act uncomfortable xD
Love it so far, can't wait to read more!

Haha I love how Minato and Hamuko basically hold hands the whole way there...causing Yukari to act uncomfortable xD
Love it so far, can't wait to read more!
1/24/2011 c3 Koro-Chan
Yes another update I was beginning to think you had abandoned the story, I am quite glad that you have not. Update soon ok :p
Yes another update I was beginning to think you had abandoned the story, I am quite glad that you have not. Update soon ok :p
1/8/2011 c2
18neon kun
hahahahahahaha! okayyyyyyyy! they sure are veryyyyy close siblings :)) hilariously so. XD

hahahahahahaha! okayyyyyyyy! they sure are veryyyyy close siblings :)) hilariously so. XD
1/8/2011 c1 neon kun
very nice! i like how they are siblings! always wanted to see someone write that.
loved this:
...she was sobbing. "They've turned into boxes."
HAHA. kids are so cute.
very nice! i like how they are siblings! always wanted to see someone write that.
loved this:
...she was sobbing. "They've turned into boxes."
HAHA. kids are so cute.
12/22/2010 c2 Koro-Chan
It’s nice to see a good Persona story in the making you would think there would be more than a handful of good ones but on to the point great story I love the brother sister relationship you made with Minato and Hamuko can’t wait to see more.
It’s nice to see a good Persona story in the making you would think there would be more than a handful of good ones but on to the point great story I love the brother sister relationship you made with Minato and Hamuko can’t wait to see more.
12/22/2010 c2
Awww I love the Minato/Hamuko moments! When Hamuko snuck into Minato's room, I couldn't stop "kyaaaa!"ing haha. It's almost incest, actually...but that's fine with me lol xD
This is getting very good! I couldn't help but laugh when Yukari walked into Minato's room and saw them both changing in there.
I understand your "Yukari hate" moments in the story. Don't worry, it doesn't sound like you hate her. It sounds more like Hamuko hates her for separating her from Minato :D
If you thought Yukari was bad in the actual storyline, play through The Answer in FES...her attitude got cranked up to Bitch Mode. D:
Oooh I love the social links you're going to focus on! Gotta love Hidetoshi-kun...and I just want to give Akinari a big hug. Oh, and Ken, too!
Can't wait for the next chapter! ^_^

Awww I love the Minato/Hamuko moments! When Hamuko snuck into Minato's room, I couldn't stop "kyaaaa!"ing haha. It's almost incest, actually...but that's fine with me lol xD
This is getting very good! I couldn't help but laugh when Yukari walked into Minato's room and saw them both changing in there.
I understand your "Yukari hate" moments in the story. Don't worry, it doesn't sound like you hate her. It sounds more like Hamuko hates her for separating her from Minato :D
If you thought Yukari was bad in the actual storyline, play through The Answer in FES...her attitude got cranked up to Bitch Mode. D:
Oooh I love the social links you're going to focus on! Gotta love Hidetoshi-kun...and I just want to give Akinari a big hug. Oh, and Ken, too!
Can't wait for the next chapter! ^_^
12/20/2010 c1 Deidara'sgirl19
Interesting story so far, I love how your version of that day played out. Can't wait to read more! ^_^
PS: Looking forward to ShinjiroxHamuko :D
Interesting story so far, I love how your version of that day played out. Can't wait to read more! ^_^
PS: Looking forward to ShinjiroxHamuko :D