Just In
for Seeing Bella

7/15 c36 3spareoom
So cringe
7/15 c36 spareoom
Lol these banters with lauren is so immature lmao
6/30 c50 shannaro-sakura
This story was a great refuge for me for the past few days. It is beautiful in every way and I love everything about it.
How we see so much more of Charlie. How Rosalie and Bella have the loving relationship we always deserved. How fiercely Esme loves Bella. You address how wrong Renees actions were. How much love and acceptance are the key to Jasper‘s heart. How pure of a friendship Jacob and Bella could have had. And how much Edward changes.
You spare us the heartbreak of New Moon. You show us a Jessica that can change. A Lauren and Mike who deserve each other.
A pack that overcomes prejudice.
And a world of a disabled person in such an immersive way that we all learned something about being blind.

I wasn’t sure for a long time if Bella would really get her sight, or if the moral of your story would be that blindness is not a tragedy and a blind vampire can cope just as well as a blind human. But I love that through writing this story, you were experiencing something so special like gaining sight through something otherworldly.
Your whole heart, life and love flow through all your words and they reached me.
Thank you so much for deciding to share you talent of writing with the world.

I only have one issue: Because of you, I had to make a new file for all of the amazing recs you shared! I will never find the time to read them all, but I want it so bad!
Thank you for setting me up with a lifetime of stories. I owe you. ;)
3/31 c2 Siver L.S
Interesting idea. But I can already see mistakes in the vampire's abilities. When Alice had her vision, Edward was in the same house with her, he would have seen it too. And after Bella came to school, her scent would remain in the air. Edward would definitely have smelled him when class ended and he walked out into the hallway. Even if Alice tried to make sure he didn't cross Bella's path, wouldn't she have entered through the main entrance? Besides, the smell from the handshake would have lingered on Alice and the director. Students passing along the corridor would carry it around the school.
11/4/2023 c51 Cknsw
2nd read and i enjoyed it as much as my first. Just a lovley feeling story.
9/10/2023 c50 Patriciadiane
love this chapter love the love
9/10/2023 c48 Patriciadiane
9/9/2023 c47 Patriciadiane
Love the twists and turns
9/9/2023 c45 Patriciadiane
Poor Charlie
9/9/2023 c44 Patriciadiane
Laurent stayed true to his beliefs.
9/8/2023 c42 Patriciadiane
Curious how going back to school will be.
9/8/2023 c41 Patriciadiane
These two are so special
9/8/2023 c40 Patriciadiane
Alice did an amazing job and the song by Josh Goban made me smile and cry. Carlisle and Charlie both outdid themselves on the father's speeches.
9/7/2023 c38 Patriciadiane
Charlie is such a great dad
9/7/2023 c37 Patriciadiane
Bella really stood up to Renee and I loved it.
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