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for Out of the Closet and into Your Arms

9/22/2021 c1 Guest
he he that was sweet and HOT
1/7/2020 c1 CeeCeeHasAProblem
Squishy and damp, your stories.
3/11/2019 c1 Anonymous
I don’t think this is OOC, not even a bit. The characters were written so well it felt like it could actually happen. I think you said that, this is your first time writing smut. If so, this is REALLY good for your first time. As a writer too, I’ve tried to write smut and it never came out well, so, I stopped trying. Maybe I’ll get in the future, who knows? But anyways, this is great. When I read fan fictions with Kakairu, I skip over the sex scenes because I’ve read them so many times in so many different books and the scenes are mostly alike, so, it just got boring after a while. But, I gave this a chance and I was not disappointed! :)
6/15/2017 c1 Guest
9/11/2014 c1 jess.c.kong
I'm glad Kakashi was so persuasive! I liked the story very much! I would omit the last few lines but everything else flowed really nicely! Great lemon! :)
7/28/2012 c1 Ligeta-Chan
Oh my.. *Fans face* I'm as red as beet now, I tell you. I NEVER blush when reading a smut scene, but this.. Wooooowww! It's just so fantastic and great and sexy and hot! And I loved how you made Kakashi actually moan and react during the act, a lot of authors don't do that! And god, was is hot! :P You just satisfied my fangirl cravings! Hahaha!
Ps: I'm gonna go read some more of your stories(if there are any)
4/13/2012 c1 8endingofbehan
WOW! i just love love love this! Besides the amazing hot sex scene, their characterts and the tone of teh story is just aazing! I just love the high tension between Kakashi and Iruka in the begining of the story. It was brillant well written. ^.^ Again just love love teh story!
12/10/2011 c1 adah
"Dunno... squishy? Damp?"

~ how dare you Kakashi! I tell, you just need a Grade A pussy...a GRADE A PUSSY... that's what you need!

I'm kidding... lol.. borrow the line from Anko...

heheh... gomen... too lazy to log-in

Ja na!
11/6/2011 c1 7ferler
I liked and I'm not unsure. *winks* THe characters are not overly OOC, I can live with these characterization; in addition, the smut wasn't bad at all. If you want to try writing this stuff more, you can give it a go. *grins*

Thank you for the story. I enjoyed reading it very much. *smiles.
9/8/2011 c1 13ActuallyNevis
I thought this was fantastic! Thank-you for sharing!
6/22/2011 c1 Hapafic
Loved it. Did not hate it. Would certainly read more!
1/18/2011 c1 The Sun's Shadow
I have an account, I just don't feel like logging in. That was the best Kakashi and Iruka fic I have ever read! And that says something! The characters were not OOC, perfect in my opinion, and I really hope you write more with this pairing. I'm reading it for the second time, found it yesterday.
1/15/2011 c1 51Ensign Klutz
This is very good if this was your first lemon! I like how you presented Iruka with several plights that other writer's present, but for some odd reason, this one is better at exploring his issues and the end result is very well done. I enjoyed this and look forward to any new stories for Kakashi and Iruka~!

Thank you and take care~
1/13/2011 c1 29TwilightRein
I completely love it! And I don't think it was OOC at all considering the conversation they were having before the smut.

Your writing skill is fantastic with the way Iruka's emotions were displayed. You could focus a bit more on the background, like when Kakashi was leading Iruka into the bedroom but that was only a minor thing. It didn't deter my focus from the story at all.

Overall, I friggin' love it.
1/6/2011 c1 maethebellydancer
Hawt! Shit honey, that was the best conversion ever! I felt that way the night I gave up men for women. Shit!
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