Just In
for A Christmas Wish

10/2/2011 c1 ceville143
Awwww :))) i think this is totallyinapropriate for me to say concidering october just started but MERRY CHRISTMAS! This was so cute 3
7/24/2011 c1 12thlove
6/6/2011 c1 8JoeBob1379
*sigh* That was lovely.
5/16/2011 c1 Shu of the Wind
I'm reading this with a warm fuzzball of a cat on my lap and thousands of warm fuzzies cascading down my back for this wonderful little story.

Well plotted, well characterized. Also, HannahNeville FTW. Fabulouso!
5/1/2011 c1 13weasleygirl31
aw, that made me tear up quite a lot :')

i LOVE how you wrote hannah and neville!
3/24/2011 c1 1Analie Janes
That was so adorable! It was really nicely written! I loved the way you wrote their marraige and was realistic! Neville is one of my favourtie characters and I loved how you wrote him! It was really deep. Good job! :)
1/15/2011 c1 smkffnut
Wow! This was a deep one and so very lovely! Your description of this joyous time was well crafted that I felt like I was looking on. Too right about not much being written about this couple that JK really did not prepare us for. Thanks for writing!
1/6/2011 c1 2krynn
Loved the story! ! I find the fluffiness very appropriate when it comes to Neville and Hannah. Plus the gift he gave her was very fitting. Im gld it wasnt some diamond or jewel. The flower seems more magical. Ty!
12/31/2010 c1 1Just-As-Loony-As-Luna
awwww i love it,, really well written and love the portrayal of the characters =) xx
12/29/2010 c1 14Emma zooka
Whoa. Deep, deep brooding going on here. I like it! Good job Angie!
12/28/2010 c1 moving on from this nonsense
I loved this fic. It was incredibly well written, and I absolutely adore Hannah/Neville! There need to be more fics like this in the fandom if you want my opinion. :) I loved it!

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