Just In
for I Got Troubled Thoughts And A Self Esteem To Match

3/23/2013 c1 Troy123
Just read ur story and its really nice I hope u continue
11/29/2011 c5 TREATs-LOVES-FiiON
'Your heart already knows who it wants. Your mind and soul just have to agree.' Love Emily! And YEAh Jacob, GO to Jess "you EGG". Can't wait for the UPDATE even though your Twi Days are over but please continue this AWESOME fic!
11/28/2011 c5 1night1001
I loved this chapter! :D
11/28/2011 c5 5fanfiction-obsessed101
aww yay!
10/19/2011 c4 1Mrs-Lahote-Black
SOMEONE please SLAP Jacob, like seriously WHY you doing Jess like that! And Bella, what are you doing in the picture? GO Paul, BUT I still want Jess to be with Jacob and Paul! LOL I'm just WEIRD like that-
10/19/2011 c3 Mrs-Lahote-Black
ANGUS-HELL yeah, DON'T MESS with the Chub's! Lol..lucky her wearing Paul's hoodie and HOPE she talks to Jacob, even though its kinda his FAULT (the WHOLE Bella obsession) but GRT CHAPTER! And Embry and Quil-DEFINITELY would LOVE to go to school with the Pack.
10/19/2011 c2 Mrs-Lahote-Black
LOL..I wished I owned TWI too, cause it'll ONLY be about The Wolfpack! And yeah-YEAH she and Jakes talking ;)
10/19/2011 c1 Mrs-Lahote-Black

GREAT START, and love the Descript of Jess. And Paul..sigh, LOVE Jacob!
9/27/2011 c4 5fanfiction-obsessed101
this is really good! i love paul :)
9/27/2011 c4 7Lorna Roxen
I love your story! Update soon! :D
9/27/2011 c4 cew
I like the story but can you make Jake less of an asshole. Get him off that Bella wagon please I hate her.
9/27/2011 c4 19Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967
i loved it! can't wait for more!
9/27/2011 c4 1lovelymrcato
Wants more:)
8/15/2011 c3
cool story bro. its pretty rad.

update, yeah? (:
3/19/2011 c2 3QuntisForever
Love it. Write very soon
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