Just In
for Cheaper by the Dozen

7/9/2013 c1 7twlightbella
Edward and Bella married with twelve children.
7/5/2011 c1 1Georgiaemz
Wow please continue love this story
4/17/2011 c1 1EternalStarr
Okay I have no idea why you stopped writting! This story sounds really good! RobSten4ever is insane to let a little detail like age to make her stop reading such a well thought out and unique story! And if its the lack of comments than they probably are to lazy to comment so dont let that stop you from writing! Anyway I will be checking up on this story! I'm interested to see how it progresses!
12/30/2010 c1 1Jasperlover98
I like it so farr! (:
12/29/2010 c1 1EdwardBellaRenesmeCullen
read summary make me want to read but when you make bella older than edward make me want to puke older bella with younger edward that so gross. is was nice if they are same ages or bella younger than edward.very disappoint about this story.
12/29/2010 c1 1YMbuddy
Omg. Its so funny that you said that.

I literally just saw it a few hours ago too! Lol.

It was on ABC Family. Lol.

Cant wait for more.

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