Just In
for The Eggnog Effect

5/1/2016 c1 Guest
Brilliant story, witty and hilarious! Really enjoyed it, wish there were more chapters!
1/4/2014 c1 fanofbones
I loved this, so cute and HOT!
Happy New Year!

12/24/2013 c1 jennayg123
Absolutely loved this! Such a fun story!
12/23/2013 c1 21maliciouspixie5
LOL, move his car. Honey, I won't tell you what I did to mine (boss) when he told me to get him coffee when I was sick. I believe in germ warfare... enough said.
5/21/2013 c1 Jasper-replaces-edward
Eue I hate eggnog too. xx
12/17/2012 c1 Ellachanted
Okay, so I'm not so much into the slash - what a waste, you know. But someone rec'd this & it did have eggnog (my favorite drink) in it...though not in the way I expected ;)

Sweet story ;)
11/8/2012 c1 kaimenwolf
I so loved reading this! I giggled all the way through :D I love how funny Jasper is! Great writing, awesome plot! I can't wait to read more!
9/10/2012 c1 12tawelephant
That was great!
9/10/2012 c1 9sue273
Brilliant! Absolutely loved this hot story and your boys. You had me in stitches, too!
8/15/2012 c1 Julia-S77
Loved this one shot with eggnog, sexy boys and a meddling Alice. X
3/1/2012 c1 BlueCat69
Holy shit! That was just SO fun, well written and overall wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing.
1/1/2012 c1 ubuhall
I will never think of eggnog the same LOL ~Tracey xoxox
12/27/2011 c1 5AnnaLund
Absolutely stunning sweetness in this story. thank you so much for writing it, it made office parties bearable.

happy holidays

12/23/2011 c1 10Iklepixie
Found on lemonade stand. Slash not my usual thing but loved this
12/22/2011 c1 6TKegl
Oh my...I loved this SO much! So sweet and adorable and fluffy and hot. Fabulous Christmas present. Thanks so much!
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