Just In
for Unforgettable

11/4/2013 c1 2Lovely-Dark-Shadows
Nice chapter, Although i wish it was longer T.T I'm really happy you updated today, because school has been killer and this made my day :D I'm glad you found your notes (I know how that is) and please update soon!
11/4/2013 c29 Guest
Bleeee you had to stop here! Such a cliff hanger
11/4/2013 c29 Vampireluver
Now the 'boyfriend' sounds like a great cover, but I wish it will become reality soon. I love your story and I'm so glad you have updated, I hope the next chapter is as good as this one. But for now I believe that you need to take some well earned rest XD
11/3/2013 c29 michelle88222
Ah so glad you updated! I wonder if Kisa will tell Akane that Hanabusa's her boyfriend? Wouldn't that cause a ruckus in the entire day class if anyone else found out? :D Update more!
11/3/2013 c29 Guest
I've been waiting so long for this chapter. I love your story, I've been collecting every chapter in a folder, haha :p
7/10/2013 c28 bbymojo
I love this story! and thank God the previous update was just an April Fool's joke, I would've been really disappointed if you decided to discontinue it! so excited for the next update! :D
7/6/2013 c28 3Secret Alice
Ohh, I wanted to read more :( oh well, cant be helped. As always, I loved it. Hehe sorry for not reviewing sooner. Ill be looking forward for the next one! :D
7/2/2013 c28 GirlAkatsuki
6/24/2013 c28 4Akari.Wolf.Princess
Hmmm interesting ending, I'll be waiting for the next!
6/10/2013 c3 1Bottomless Pit of EMOTIONS
"If you harm her, the Vampire Hunters Society would have reason to hunt you." Zero put in thoughtfully. "Not that I'd mind. It'd be a pleasure, Kuran." He smiled at Kaname. Kaname smiled back.

I laughed really hard at this. XD
6/10/2013 c28 2Lovely-Dark-Shadows
Jeez woman! Scare me half to death on the last chapter, and then not update for two months!? Only to get a CLIFFHANGER? That's just not right...You HAVE to update soon! Please? With cherry's sprinkles and Aido on top? :P
6/9/2013 c28 26Winged Element
Mmm.. bite scene next? Y'know, this was a great break for me, I had so many DMC reviews that it was good to slip into something else, VK feels like an old friend, thanks for the update!
4/20/2013 c27 Emerald
Oh no! Please don't discontinue, you are such a talented writer and I think you should continue PLEASE! 3
4/7/2013 c27 PurePrincess
I was just like NO please why every good story have to be end like this but when I scroll down I was grinning from happiness.
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